Nestled Atop Dante's Peak Is A Secret Meadow, A Field Where Dreams Come Alive

  • When: August 17, 2018
  • AO: Dante’s Peak
  • QIC: Grunge
  • The PAX: Michelob (Respect!), Beetle, Nature Boy, Goose (Respect!), Goat Cheese (Respect!), Grinch (Respect!), GTL Carpex, Rambler, Hickory (Hate), Jolly Rancher, Hotspot, Paperboy, Franklin, Boyardee, Marky Mark, Imp, Beanie, Clementine, Swag, Matlock, Rooney, Griswold, WWW, Blueprint, As Is, Earhart, Badlands, Ascot, Horny Toad, ET, Water Wings, Squatter, Snots, Freebird, Theisman, MaBell (Respect!), Red Ryder, Doobie, Grunge
  • Count: 39 PAX (5 Respect, 33 Meh, 1 Hate)


9 BC/Churham brothers met up to embark on a journey from Briar Chapel to Dante’s Peak (Apex Nature Park). We would meet 3 more at the AO. BC/Churham bringing it.

Arrived at AO. Met with Earhart. Did short bit of recon. Thank you, brother.

Original plan was to hit the soccer field for Storm The Beach, then take it to the pull up bars for Pyramids of Pain (See Below). But when YHC returned to the shovel flag, the numbers were swelling up. CarPex showing up big time! As the CarPex brothers continued to file in, it was evident that we were gonna have a fairly nice crowd. Needed to do some quick thinking & calculating to reformulate game plan to accommodate larger crowd. YHC has found that traveling long distances with big groups is not the best use of time. We would need to stay focused. YHC made the decision to replace Pyramids with Red Barchetta. Ambitious, as “RB” is packed with high reps. Would we have time? Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Plus, YHC knew the CarPex brothers liked to get after it. Let’s get down to business.


Greetings, fist bumps. Several Prefontaines crushed the EC run. Several Ah-nolds ripped the EC Pull Ups.

1 Minute Warning.

Quick Count-o-Rama. 38 PAX. Called the group to tighten up the circle. Bring it in.

- Moment of Silence. F3 does not endorse or require us to embrace a specific faith, but asks that we all have faith and place our hearts and minds on something greater than ourselves. It could be God, it could be our families, our nation, the brotherhood, our life’s purpose…whatever that may be, still your minds and hearts and focus on that which gives you faith in a moment of silence. Brief prayer for blessings over the brotherhood and protection from injury this morning.

- Pledge of Allegiance. YHC asked that all turn attention to the flag and join in with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mind straight, heart straight. Bodies primed. It’s go time.


Mosey to StartEx. Circle up.

Slaughter Open 

  • 10 Burpees, 9 Squats, 8 Burpees, 7 Squats, 6 Burpees, 5 Squats, 4 Burpees, 3 Squats, 2 Burpees, 1 Squat. 10 Burpees.

In all the opening bravado, YHC managed to fumble this. Lost count on a set of Squats. Franklin called YHC out, rightfully so. Q fail prompted 5 penalty burpees. Brought Franklin out as he earned the right to call next set of Squats. Somehow this only drove YHC further out to sea. Gah. Probably missed out on a couple burpees and squats. Apologies to the PAX. So much time, so little to do…strike that. Reverse it…let’s move on…


Mosey to Soccer Field

Introduced our workout for today. We would be doing the “Field of Dreams.”

Part One: Storm The Beach

Form a line on one end of soccer field. We would travel to the other side of the field by performing the following:

  • 5 Merkins, 10 Bear Crawl Steps (each step counts), 15 WWIIs, 20 Glute Bridges (Homer to Marge), x10.

Planned for 100 Yards, figured 10 yards per bear crawl set. The soccer goal on far side was placed a bit further up into the field and threw things off a bit. When PAX hit the net, called audible for those who went passed net to go back and help the 6. (I believe most still got 8 - 9 sets). Lots of good mumblechatter during this. Strong work by all.

Gotta keep things fluid. Moving on to…

Part Two: Red Barchetta

PAX lined up on far side of soccer field. We would now do the following:

  • Sprint 100 yards. Hit 100 SSH, IC
  • Sprint 100 yards back. Hit 50 Mountain Climbers (OM 1-2) & 50 Squats (SC, OMD)

Got a bit tough calling count. Also, time was starting to become a factor. Decided to shift to OYO.

  • Sprint 75 yards. Hit 75 LBCs (SC, OYO)
  • Sprint 75 yards back. Hit 75 Flutters (SC, OYO)
  • Sprint 50 yards. Hit 50 Merkins (SC, OYO, break them up as you need)
  • Sprint 50 yards back. Hit 50 Dry Dox (SC, OYO, break them up as you need)
  • Sprint 25 yards. Hit 25 BW Thrusters (SC, OYO)
  • Sprint 25 yards. Hit 25 Burpees (SC, OYO)

One final AYG sprint the length of field. Mosey back to StartEx.


Circled up. Called another Count-o-Rama. Added one more, now 39. Dropping a PAX during workout, no bueno. Adding a PAX during workout, muy bueno.

  • Ring of Fire, Burpee Smurfs (Each PAX would perform 1 burpee and 4 smurf jacks. Rest of PAX held Al Gore). All 39 got some.

Aaaaaaaaaaand, that’s all folks. Time called (actually a wee bit over…). Awesome work, brothers.


YHC decides now is a good time to play: Dude, Where’s My Car??…to the amusement of absolutely nobody.


  • MaBell: CarPex Convergence @ Danger Zone, Fri, 8/31, 0545, all other AOs shut down. CK will be your Q.
  • Earhart: CarPex 2nd Annual CSAUP The Oddysey, 10/20. Deets to be finalized and posted soon.
  • Michelob: Carying Place Labor Day 5K/10K. CarPex is a sponsor. There is a discount entry code. Enter “F3CarpexSponsor” at check out. Go to to register. There will be a booth on race day. Contact Earhart if you want to help.
  • Rambler: Hope Valley Ruck Club hosting 20 Mile overnight ruck, 8/24, launch from Duke campus, 1900. FB (Hope Valley Ruck Club) for deets.
  • MaBell: Q School, Bond Park, Wed, 8/29, 1830, Meet Up @ Kiosk. Chinese Downhill, WWW, Ma Bell will be your professors.
  • Earhart: 9/11 Stair Climb. CarPex & Raleigh event will likely be at Carter Finley, NC State. Churham will likely be at Kenan, UNC. Check Slack for deets.

Name-o-Rama: See Above.


YHC closed with prayer. Gave thanks for the beautiful morning and this awesome band of brothers who came out today. Grateful for the fellowship. Asked for seeds to be planted in our lives, that they may grow and flourish into a forest of abundance. That we may reach out and bring those who seek and need the camaraderie and fellowship into the fold. That we may remember that today is first day of rest of our lives. That no matter what burdens, difficulties, troubles, negativity may have been with us in the past, that we may lay them all down here. That we will walk away from this unburdened, stronger, better, more mindful, more full. Asked for guidance and protection as we go about our day, our weekends, that we will accomplish all that you hope for us. Amen.

Forgive me for failing to mention Camp Seagull Dads Camp specifically. Prayers for the Dads & 2.0s heading out to camp this weekend. May their travels be safe and enjoyable, and may there be much joy, laughter, bonding, memories, and love to fill the weekend.

tl:dr Decent game plan, very best intentions, some last minute changes, awesome, amazing group, beautiful morning, wonderful fellowship, great AO, really plush soccer field, Q a bit sloppy on execution, but had much love and enthusiasm for brothers, PAX was at 100% the whole time. Grateful for the opportunity to serve and lead. Very much appreciated and enjoyed time at Dante’s Peak. Look forward to making it back out to CarPex again.


Here’s What Could Have Been:

  • Mosey to Pull Up Bars

Part Two: Pyramids of Pain

Split PAX into Three Groups. Each would head to a specific station to perform set of exercises with reps pyramiding up and back down.

  • Station One: Pull Ups (1-5-1), BW Squats AMRAP
  • Station Two: 8 Count Body Builders (5-10-5)
  • Station Three: Jump Lunges (10-15-10)

As groups finished, we would rotate so that everyone hit every pyramid.

Mosey back to Flag


  • Heels to Heaven
  • Chilcutt Step Throughs (Alt L/R)
  • Star Crunch
  • Knee Ups
  • Thread The Needle (Alt R/L)
  • Jack Knives