Need to push it in anticipation of too much basketball watching

Q: Franklin So - who decided we always needed to run some before the warm up - not this Q. Promptly at 05:45 (right as flip flop and Permit mosey across the street)- Circle up, warm up, GM - starting position move, IC - Exercise Warm up 15 – GM, 15– hillbilly - 20 – SSH, 20 – MC, Sir Fazio – 10 each way Mumblechatter at a high pace early - mostly Burt, Riptide and Flip Flop - but that will change soon

After warm up, run out of park, around the corner and to second park entrance - Large asked me on the run if i was bringing back #caryrunclub - alas, not today

Squat hold at second park entrance until 6 arrives - and then partner up for

Hill BOMBS- P1 run to bottom of hill and back up while P2 does exercise 50 – burpees, 100 – overhead claps, 150 – merkins, 200 – big boy sit ups, 250 – Squats - cumulative as a partner team There was a surprising lack of chatter from this point forward - however, lots of encouragement as we struggled up the hill time and time again.

Plank hold when you are done.

When all have completed - backward run down the hill (still the only way YHC can beat Largemouth in a race) Side shuffle over to the bridge Lunge walk the bridge Up the hill to the small wall – 20 4 count Dips OYO then Run up stairs – squat hold at the top Wait for 6 and then up remaining stairs and through nature path back through playground and back to parking lot A couple minutes left for Mary – Freddy Merc x20,

COT Announcements - something about Hermes wanting volunteers, Coney mentioned that the respect bus for Sarasota was about to leave Prayers - many today - 27 years of marriage for Coney, Smokey’s 2.0 sitting for masters exam, Burts b-in-law John, and surgeries for two who weren’t here today - Khaki’s daughter and Billy

Beautiful morning, Great group of men. Missed the elusive site Q, Callahan but was happy to have the reliable Large Mouth Thanks all

See also