National Donut Day!

Over the last few months, when workouts were scarce to find, typically there was always one at SWW. After posting here a handful of times, YHC felt comfortable enough with the AO to get on the Q sheet even though it’s outside of his normal stomping grounds. I pulled in with a couple minutes to spare as the EC crowd was getting toweled off and ready for the beatdown. Bagels got in his car and left so I figured he just didn’t have time to stick around for the ME. What a pleasant surprise when he showed back up at 0630 with a crate full of donuts for all the Pax! Thank you Bagels, they were delicious (my 2.0 thought so too.) Anyway, here’s what went down.

Warmup: 0545, no FNGs, although there were quite a few people YHC didn’t recognize. Disclaimer and mission statement delivered and pledge of allegiance recited and we were off. We headed down Lochmere and crossed over Kildaire to the shopping plaza for a little warmup.
SSH x 15 IC
GM x 7 IC (admittedly, YHC almost injured himself here)
Hillbillies x 10 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles Fwd/Rev x 10 IC each way
Seal Claps x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Calf Stretch L/R x 10 silent count each side

Thang 1: Mosey to the back of the plaza and partner up for some Dora action.
100 Merkins
200 Sumo Squats
300 LBCs
While 1 partner works on the above the other runs up the stairs and back around the plaza.

Thang 2: Mosey back out to Kildaire and down the street towards the golf course to the greenway. Start there with 5 burpees on YHCs down. We apparently did a few extra because no one was counting. The Pax learned their lesson there. Mosey to the other side of the road via the greenway under Kildaire for the same plus 10 jump lunges. Continue back and forth adding exercises which were, 15 Imperial Walkers IC and then 20 Freddie Mercuries IC. At that point were out of time so me mosied back to the flag via the greenway.

Mary: Plank hold for the 6. Since we were down there anyway, Pickle Pounders x 10 IC.
E2K R/L x 10 IC each side
Glute Stretch
Runner’s Stretch L/R
Have a Nice Day!

Announcements/Prayers/Praises: Pax were fairly quiet this morning. Prayers for those traveling to the camping trip this weekend. Prayers to those affected by the pandemic. Prayers for the civil unrest our country is going through currently.

YHC took us out.

NMS: Admittedly, I am not the best leader. Decision making and planning are not my strongest attributes. It feels good to lead in the gloom though. It was actually neat to lead some folks I either had not met before, or seen very little so far in F3. I hope they were challenged by what I brought this morning. Thank you to everyone that came out to follow me, and again a special thanks to Bagels for the Donuts! MIAGD!!!

See also