Nantan Notes 06-2020

WE’RE BACK! Right? I know I’ve said it within the past week. Our daily numbers are almost averaging where we were in January/February.

But we’re not back. After posting 5 out of 6 days last week (#humblebrag) YHC can say we’re back only using the metric of our daily attendance (and our mumblechatter).

Besides having 75-100 guys posting each day we are lacking in some areas and it’s my job to hold us accountable…so here comes some tough love.


We’re not out of the woods yet. Just because we can have up to 25 guys at an AO doesn’t mean we’re back to normal.

  • We need to avoid other members of the community - this means practice extreme social distancing from others running or walking. There are more people out right now than before. Let’s try to stick to parking lots and greenways and when possible avoid sidewalks as big groups and roads (see Safety below).
  • We need to remain 6 ft apart.
  • We need to not share equipment or sweat spots.
  • We need to COT with no fist bumps or anything.

We’re experiencing another spike in cases, which we saw coming, but let’s do our part as community leaders to show we can be safe and responsible. Let’s also do this for our pax who are wanting to come back out but need to know we’re being cautious and smart about it!


What happened here? I think we all got so excited for our freedom that our guard is down on safety. What used to be a high priority for us has dropped off. When you’re Qing you’re in charge of our safety. When you’re site Q you’re in charge of our safety. When you’re attending a workout you’re in charge of our safety. ie; All of us are Safety Qs! See something, say something.

  • We need to stay out of the road where traffic is at our back
  • We need to not lay down in the road for exercises or at the corners of roads
  • We need to stick together as one when crossing busy roads
  • We need to remember we can’t assume cars see us - no matter what
  • Site Qs need to step up and put safety to the forefront
  • We need to hold each other accountable and speak up when safety isn’t being used.
  • We need to know there’s a phone with us if we’re going off site and we need to make sure the six is OK - especially as it gets hotter and more humid.

For some of the newer pax that may not know F3 Nation has had a few deaths over the years. Most, if not all, weren’t due to lack of safety but it has driven us to be more aware of our safety and do better about being safe.

Our Pax

Some of us are in the gloom, sure, but many still aren’t. This can be for a variety of reasons but 2-3 months of lockdown and isolation can get comfy for some, depressing for many, and begrudging as well. Whether it’s covid or injury or fartsackitis related we need to remember our brothers.

So what are we doing to lift each other up? We need to be EHing our own guys! We need to tell a guy we love him today (right Kitty?). Some might need a push to come back out. Some might just need fellowship. Some might need to not hear our opinions on certain matters and just need to know we hear them.

Our world is looking for leaders right now. Here’s not a statement from Dark Helmet with more on what that looks like:

The Gloom Belongs to Us

I agree with everything that statement means but let’s not be careless with it. Aye?