Mystery Grab Bag

Today the PAX took fate in their own hands with a game I like to call:

Let’s Run Over To Some Hills And Randomly Pull Out Exercises
From A Bag Written On Sheets Of Paper And Do These Exercises
At The Top And Bottom Of The Previously Mentioned Hills


EC Runners included Sub, Hanson, GTL, Freebird, Orphan and YHC

Disclaimer given to our FNG and we circle up

**Warm Up
**Good Morning, Windmill, SSH, Steve Earle

**The Thang
**Mosey over to the bottom of Saunders and Hinson St for some hill repeats. Break up into two groups, switching hills each round and pulling a piece of paper out of a bag with exercises for your group to perform at the top and bottom of the hills.

A few samples of the exercises are:

Top - 5x Star Jumps; 5x Merkins; 5x L/R Mnt. Climbers
Bottom - 10x IC Freddie Mercury

Top - 10x Turkish Get Ups
Bottom - 15x Big Boy Sit Ups

Top - 30 Cadence Count Plank Hold
Bottom - 10x IC Low Slow Flutter

Top - 10x L/R Jump Lunges; 10x Wide Merkins
Bottom - 10x L/R Peter Parkers

and so on… and so on… and so on


Welcome FNG Short Circuit
TCP Sawgrass 5/26
Memorial Day Convergence 5/27
Carpex 6th Anniversary 5/31

YHC took us out with a quote from Theodore Roosevelt

“Courage is not having the strength to go on, it is going on when you don’t have the strength.”


See also