My Perogative!

Date: 2/7/2019


AO: Back-in-Black

PAX: Hermes, FNG High Splits, Hi-Liter, Lightbrite, Swank, Theismann, Texas Ranger, WWW, Yoga Mat

I was a little worried about my right knee this morning because I tweaked it posting at FMJ while doing some hill work.  Even with two bum knees, I could not let the PAX down and circumsack.  Lucky for me, I’m the Q and I can control the mileage. I tested it before start and the pain was not bad enough to bow out.  0515 – presented our canned announcement for FNG.  I knew we would have one (Jason Ybarra) because Hermes pre-blasted and also mentioned he was a former NCSU cheerleader.  We also have PAX who is a former NCSU cheerleader (Water Wings).  Jason introduced himself and provided some tidbits about himself.  He now coaches the NCSU cheerleading squad

For a February gloom which normally is a freezing low 30’s, it was a balmy 61⁰ F.  Off we went on a mosey to the Koka Booth main parking lot to warm-up.

Warm-up: GM, hamstring stretch, Control Freak Merkins (I submitted a request to F3 Nation to add this to the lexicon), Sir Fazios forward, seal claps, overhead claps, and SF backwards.  To close our warm-up, it was time to be Thunderstruck!

Partner up for the thang.

Thang 1:

Wheelbarrow – partner 1 will wheelbarrow for 3 parking lines and do merkins x10 for 3 sets. Swap … partner does the same for 3 sets.

Thang 2:

Lunge walk 3 lines and do burpees x5 until we get back to starting point.

Thang 3:

Duck walk 3 lines and do burpoos x5 for 3 sets.  Repeato heading back to starting point.

Thang 4:

Mosey over to Koka Booth ticket area to the low wall.

Partner 1 does BTTW at ticket boot wall for 10 count while partner 2 does dips AMRAP; flapjack for 2 sets.

Thang 5:

Partner 1 does people’s chair at ticket boot wall while partner 2 does dirkins AMRAP; flapjack for 2 sets.

Thang 6:

Partner 1 does people’s chair at ticket boot wall for 10 count while partner 2 does irkins AMRAP; flapjack for 2 sets.

Mosey back to flag for Mary

Mary: QIC calls WWII’s x25, low-slow flutter and hello dolly.  QIC has PAX call and lead their favorite Mary for 10 reps.  QIC closes Mary with 100s & Have a Nice Day


Count-a-rama: 9

Name-a-rama: 2 respects, 6 mehs, 1 FNG.  Welcome FNG High Splits.

Announcements: F3 camping event at Jordan Lake being planned; some discussion on the Odyssey.

Prayers / Praises: Water Wing and Liverpool safety during their trip to Peru; Aushfahrt’s recovery; Swag’s M’s surgery next week, F3 Lake Norman who lost a PAX this past week – prayers for them and Schneider’s family for their loss.  Prayers for a PAX who was out at Tortoises yesterday whose friend’s wife recently found out she has stage 4 brain cancer.

BOM: YHC took us out.


For the meaning behind the title, I drove up to the sound of Bobbie Brown jamming on the truck stereo.  I wanted to bust a move because it’s my perogative.

There was some moaning during warm-up when we were doing hamstring stretch and calf stretch. After cycling through the thangs, the PAX appreciated doing the stretches.  I’m glad we stretch because it is something we do not do often and it is needed.  Stretching really helps with preventing pulled muscles.

Hermes finally got FNG High Splits out after 2 years of EH’ing.  Great job Brother!!!

THANK YOU for allowing me to Q for you all this AM.  It was a pleasure to lead you all in the workout.  You all are what makes F3 so AWESOME!  God bless you and continue to get after it!!!

See also