My name is Nature Boy - I only Q every 14 months so plan on me again for end of May 2019. Consequently I don't know how to post backblasts and I think other people should do it for me.

F3 Nature Boy Qing 3 April 2018 Tuesday

This Fine Tuesday morning started hellos all around. Kilmer showed for NB Q 2.5. Nature Boy 1 as we all remember found us running around the baseball Fields at Thomas Brooks park and my Fine friend Kilmer headed home early not being in the running mood. I guess 😎😜.

With Highlighter running to his car to grab a weight vest so Beanner not be the solo rucker we pledged to two flags.   Then off we went in a figure 8 to get the blood pumping.

You can’t have s good day without good morning so of course we did a few of those and some other things as well.

Then to the rock pile where we partnered up with a macho rock. Goose decided to give a few ants a ride but was not excited when they jumped rock as he did sets of 8. I think the over head press was his least favorite. His partner bugged out of there to run a figure 8. 8 figures and a few rock curls, rock rows, and other rock favorites we were of and jogging to the picnic tables for a dip or 15.

Now it got real. Disco Duck demonstrates leap frog and we proceeded the length of the Feild. Jogging back the Q figured went over now we should go under. Not Franklin’s favorite choice but Pigeon stepped up and PBX was thinking of mumble chatter but some things are better left unsaid. I do think Katnis said a few words but the turf was dry so it was not an awful trip down and back we did lunges. Just 6:06 the Q was thinking running always kills time😜. So Barry Sanders Indian run around the field it is.  BoGo had to give Sky Blue directions because the darn Brit wanted to drive on the wrong side of the road.

Nice, and  all that’s left is Mary around the circle and we would be finished. Except Air Bag and MaBell think merkins are related to Mary but they are not!! They still owe a lap for not knowing the family tree. Pigeon, the other misguided soul tried to work in burpee‘s. This was a non burpee Q.

A few prayers and smile all around and this Q is completed. I think I got the complete crew into this post, but if not maybe next time😎😜. That all folks.

See also