Mutiny in the Dark


Mosey around the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, cotton pickers, an attempt at Sir Fazio arm circles that was derailed by Hermes’s counting and YHC’s laughter, followed by ten penalty burpees.

The Thang

Mosey out of the park and down to the Crescent Green parking lot for Paula Abdul.  The plan was to travel around the perimeter of the parking lot by moving two steps (light poles) forward, one step (light pole) back, but YHC failed to communicate the instructions clearly at the beginning.  After the initial confusion we went over it again and the PAX got it.  Prisoner run forward two light poles, perform ten wide grip merkins, mosey backwards one light pole, perform ten squats, repeato until we reach the entrance on the other side of the parking lot.

Since this entrance has a nice hill we did 11’s with four-count calf raises on the curb at the top and curb derkins at the bottom.

Running out of time so Paula Abdul our way back to the orignal entrance, with five squats each time we change direction, and then YHC clearly says “Follow me” and heads back towards the flag.  Along the way some jabroni decides to break the Flying V formation and make it an Indian run.


YHC can’t allow such mutiny, so here come the penalty burpees, followed by Freddy Mercurys, one legged Homer-to-Marge, dying cock-a-roaches and have a nice day.


Count-a-rama: 14 Name-a-rama: 3 RESPECTS,  11 mehs, 0 HATES Prayers / Praises: Prayers for Grease Monkey’s mother Missy waiting for biopsy results, praise for Large Mouth’s new 2.0, praise for Mufasas’ new 2.0 BOM: YHC took us out


This was my first cluster-Q.  Hermes broke me during warm-ups, I botched the Paula Abdul explanation, and then Hello Kitty attempted a hostile takeover with his Indian run.  But we all survived it, got stronger and had a little fun.

The lyrics to the Paula Abdul song are two steps forward, two steps back.  The folks that run the exicon aren’t big on accuracy.

I was all set to talk about Bon Jovi, but with all the other distractions it didn’t come up.  Maybe next time.

Future Q’s do your best to keep Hermes and Hello Kitty separated.

Those weren’t really penalty burpees, we were gonna do those anyway.

As always it’s an honor and a pleasure to lead this group of amazing men.

See also