Mutant Ninja Tortoises

It was an honor to lead 13 Stallions/Clydesdales for a “limited run” workout.  Just one for the Mutant Mile EC, nice jog to BH and back.

The Warm Up: Follow me for a fast 25 yard run to circle up in the parking lot for some typical warm up stuff including SSH, GM, Hill Billies, Sir Farzio Arm Circles/reverse to get those shoulders loose, take a break to get some gloves for Ascot.  Continue warm up with some Mtn. Climbers, Plank Jacks and some classic Merkins.. hold plank position, bear crawl over into to lines for…

The Thang: 1 -Bearcrawl inchworm down the parking, yes all the way to the parking spot curbs, crawl bear inchworms all the way back up the parking lot, yes all the way to the basketball goal, lets do 10 merkins for good measure. 2 -Mosey to the church building for BTTW, 10 count down the line.  Apparently this is a pretty complicated request. 3 -Mosey to dumpster, everyone get one concrete core. Circle up on your 6 for 25 core-V-Ups.  Then 30 core-less LBCs in cadence. Leave your core in the circle. 4 -Mosey to the new retail building across the street, apparently this is the 2nd time anyone has actually ever left the parking lot.  Split into 2 groups - group one 50 calf raises on the steps, group 2 - 50 squats and flap jack. Repeat steps 2-4 with a few less reps this time. Mosey over to the nice new pull up stations, Thanks to the PAX that installed these!  Partner up for 10 partner assisted pull-ups, squat hold while you wait. Mosey back over to the church for another 10-count down the line BTTW, lets go ahead and hold that and count back down the line. Mosey back to parking lot area for 10 one arm merkins on each arm to finish up.

Count-a-rama - 13 Name-a-rama some respects, meh’s and hates, no FNG’s. Announcements - F3 Dads Saturday Bond Park, 0900, Ascot is an HC, so we can expect big numbers. - F3 Carpex Christmas Party - 12/14 $10 to Rip Tide, M’s welcome, no 2.0’s please. - Collection of workout gear and shoes for Healing Transitions - get it to Chinese Downhill Prayer Requests - Highlighter’s dad is finishing his last days of radiation treatment, praise and prayer requests. - Ascot’s brother is facing a major career change - Yogi needs a car.  If anyone knows of a reasonably priced car….

NMS - It was an honor to lead these fine men this morning. Tortoises has a great following! Thanks Term Pappy for the creating the Leadership Challenge to get me to sign up for Q’ing this workout.  I had an awesome 4ish mile loop route planned for the Mutant Mile - #ThePeakway…. alas, no one else showed up so i got lazy and modified for a 2 mile out and back. Will the Peakway ever connect?  We should run that loop if it ever does.  Maybe we should do #TheBeltline one morning. Or better yet #The540.  Okay, maybe we’ll just cheer on Michelob. Make it a great day men!

See also