Musical Monday with Hanson, Ep. 1

A few weeks back YHC was bemoaning the fact that we have an AO named Hells Bells but rarely have any music. Then I had a revelation. The Q picks the soundtrack. Also, I had been planning to Q more this year. Thus the PAX were stuck with YHC for 45 minutes this beautiful Monday morning.

YHC arrived around 4:50 and hit the pull up bars while Revere and Mohawk went for a run. Yahoo, Theismann, and a few others joined the party pretty quick. There was an abundance of Bluetooth speakers, tabata timers, and such technology. 5:25ish YHC went and stowed the speaker. Quite a crowd was developing at this point, Triple Lindy alerted me that there appeared to be more PAX than bells. Shouldn’t be a problem, with a bit of adjustment. 5:30 arrived and off we go around the parking lot and up to the other parking lot for warmup. We did some SSH, windmills, Sir Fazio or something like that.


Pax were instructed to partner up with one bell per pair. Back to the upper parking lot for KB Jack Webbs. One lap around the parking lot between sets. Keep going until everybody’s gotten to 10/40. Now for the music. Started with Hells Bells for obvious reasons, then some more select classic rock.

Partner 1 take a lap around the lower parking lot while partner 2 does KB manmakers until they return. Flapjack and repeato. Then swap the exercise for squats and curls. After 3 rounds rotate back to manmakers and through the rotation again. Some PAX had difficulty with this concept. Perhaps I should do like Yahoo and write everything down on a big board. While the rest of us were doing manmakers, Frisco sidled up to me and insinuated that while he loved manmakers, what he really wanted to do was burpees. I informed him that if he wanted to do burpees, he should Q the workout himself. Having crushed Frisco’s hopes and dreams, I was feeling quite pleased with myself and told the PAX to call it after 5 rounds or so. Feeling Frisco had been punished enough, YHC instructed the PAX to head to the bottom of the parking lot, do 10 burpees, and back. We could hear Frisco crying with joy from halfway down the parking lot.
Return the bells to the flag and circle up. American Hammers, LBCs, and Dying Cockroaches and we’re done.
Announcements: Mule, March 14. Also some folks heading down to Burgaw on Saturday.

Prayers/praises: Praise for Frisco’s shield lock brothers helping him get through a rough time. We all need accountability, if you don’t have a solid group of brothers don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re not in this alone.
there was probably more but my memory is not as excellent as I could wish. YHC took us out.


Playlist was as follows: Hells Bells (AC/DC), Mmbop(Hanson)-sorry Pet Sounds-, YYZ(Rush), That Smell(Lynyrd Skynyrd), Limelight(Rush), Burn(Deep Purple).

Talked to Rock Lobster and found out he has gone to the same CrossFit gym as my uncle for a long while, and said gym recently shut down. Maybe we can find a way to reach more of those CrossFit guys?
It was a pleasure to lead you gentlemen this morning.

See also