Music to My Ears


  • 17 HIM joined YHC for 2.23 miles of “The Worst Kettle Bell Workout Ever” at HB
  • Today, CarPex set a new record: most complaining to the Q by the PAX! Congratulations to all the PAX who helped earn this prestigious award!! Aye!!

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run out of the lot to the other lot, mixed run, BC, end up at the circle.
  • Circle up for: SSH, Good Mornings, Slow Count Merkins.
  • Run back to the flag, mixed run, CW on the way.

The Thang

Grab a pardner…

Dora: 150 KB Figure Eights, 200 KB Renegade Rows, 250 KB Swings while your pardner runs to the flag at the end of the lot and back. DON’T DOG IT! (approx 2.23 miles)

Stand By Your Man: pardner 1 20 L/R KB Hammers while pardner 2 performs AMRAP SSH. Flap jack until time’s up.


See also