Mucho Chesto Merkin Mile

Wolverine’s starting time moves to 5:30 next week, and YHC was honored to Q the final 5:45 workout.  It’s a special occasion, so I knew I had to bring something special.  I pulled into the parking lot and the conditions were perfect.  Dark, raining, not really cold but certainly not warm.  Perfectly gloomy.


Mosey over to the middle school parking lot and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios forward, Sir Fazios backwards, hill billies and cotton pickers, all x 15.

The Thang

Mosey around to the track for the main event.  The Mucho Chest Merkin Mile.  Four laps around the track, after each lap do half a Mucho Chesto (five each of standard merkins, wide grip merkins, diamond merkins, left hand offset merkins and right hand offset merkins).  Total one mile and 100 merkins (adding up to two Mucho Chestos).

Mosey back to the main parking lot for BTTW with a ten count down the line.

Indian Run back to the flag, then over to the rock pile.  Partner up, with P1 grabbing a travelling rock and P2 grabbing an ego rock.  Since we’re short on time do a modified Dora 1-2-3, while P1 carries the travelling rock around the parking lot P2 does ten curls, ten overhead presses and ten squats, then flapjack.  Not sure how many rounds we squeezed in, but every team made it to at least one hundred of each exercise.


Mosey back to the flag and circle up for fifteen Wolverines OYO.


Count-a-rama:  12 Name-a-rama:  3 RESPECTs, 8 mehs, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Bogo’s cousins who have separated while the husband goes through rehab for alcohol, prayers for our brother Wonk as he and his family deal with his mother-in-law’s health issues, continued prayers for my M Kelly and her health issues.

BOM:  YHC took us out


I’ve been waiting for a chance to break out the Mucho Chesto Merkin Mile, and when I saw Ma Bell was posting today, I knew this was it.

My 2.0 reminded me over the weekend that today is Presidents Day.  I tried to come up with a theme to fit the day, but I got nothing.  Thought about doing something with the number 45, but even that didn’t seem right, darn Grover Cleveland and his nonconsecutive terms.

As we joked around in the parking lot before getting started I saw Biner laughing.  I didn’t have my phone on me so no photo, but seriously guys, it happened.  This is not like that time I saw Elvis at the Walmart.

Happy Meal came over from Raleigh to join us, and even put in some EC with Ma Bell.  There’s lots of good dudes in Raleigh, and he’s one of them.

I partnered up with Napster, who is moving to Denver this summer.  We’re gonna miss him.  You guys help me convince him to come back every year for the Krispy Kreme Challenge.

Today was Day 1 of Parker’s week with the Breath Taker.  Lots of jokes were told, none appropriate for this forum.  Still, good work, brother.

As we moseyed back to the flag for Mary, Biner reminded me that we hadn’t done any Wolverines yet.  That’s a strong site Q right there, fellas.  Help the QIC to deliver a successful beatdown.

Thanks for letting me lead this morning, it was an honor.

See also