Mucho Burpo Mile

Happy birthday to YHC! There’s no better way to start the day than getting up early and heading out to the gloom to get after it with my brothers.


Mosey over to the best list part of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, Sir Fazios and plank jacks.

The Thang

Mosey over to the track for the Mucho Burpo Mile.

10 burpees, take a lap 10 burpees, take a lap 10 burpees, take a lap 10 burpees, take a lap 10 burpees

That’s 50 burpees and a full mile before the other AOs have even warmed up.

Mosey over to the grass hill at the far entrance and line up for 22’s. Up the hill for 21 star jumps, back down for one merkin, drop four reps on each trip up and add four reps on each trip down until we hit one star jump at the top and 21 merkins at the bottom. Repeato with squats at the top and plank jacks at the bottom.

Indian run back to the flag via the parking lot across the street, and say good morning as we pass the gladiators.


Circle up for Freddie Mercurys, Homer-to-Marge, box cutters, dying cock-a-roaches, American hammers and have a nice day.


Count-a-rama:  10 Name-a-rama:  4 RESPECTs, 5 meh, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for continued recovery for Earhart’s M Peachtree and YHC’s M Kelly, prayers for the family of Pickle’s co-worker, prayers for the students at Appalachian State and other college kids dealing with stress and anxiety. BOM:  YHC took us out


I’ve had the idea for the Mucho Burpo Mile for a while, just waiting for the right time to try it. Thanks to the PAX for indulging me.

For anyone who followed me on social media yesterday, light stretching = burpees and brisk walking = running.

I wanted to have a little more fun with the gladiators across the street, but they were very nice when we ran by them. And the guy who leads the workout (we named him at F3 a few weeks ago, Sand and Fog, Smoke and Mirrors, something like that) stuck his head in and said hello while we were getting coffee afterwards. I wish them well, but they ain’t got what we got.

Thanks for letting me lead.

See also