Move your Oxtail

Hot For Teacher 12/17

PAX: Triple Lindy, Hamm, Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Smithers, Wahoo, Queequeg two Factor Earhart Queequeg Flenderson

QIC: Oxtail

Warm up

Around the world.
Combination high / low side shuffles and duck walks
Runners stretch
Sir Fabio arm circles
Good mornings
Staircase to heaven pull ups

Thang 1
Dora 1-2-3
100 Merkins
200 air squats
300 LBCs
Partner  paint the lines and run

Thang 2
Ascending testicles
Pole to pole mix of
Bear crawl
Forward Crab walk
Crawl bear
Reverse crab walks

Players choice crab walk, bear crawl, crawl bear
Write the alphabet
Homer to Marge
American Hammers
Dying cockroach