Motion is lotion.

Got myself in a bit of pickle Friday AM with a unfortunate snooze snafu and rushed time on the throne. Hastily made my way to Green Hope Elementary with two minutes to spare. Seeing the number of pax milling about upon arrival would have King Cooper in a quandary. Luckily for YHC, this big group of gazelles was there for the high tempo Gran Torino beatdown courtesy of GTL that morning. Three gorillas in the mist emerged from the gazelles in Hello Kitty, One Direction, and Bartman. Just like with a four pack of overpriced microbrew pints from your favorite bottle shop, YHC and these three HIMs were about to have a good.

Warm Up: Grab your ruck and your coupon du jour and head to the picnic shelter. Good mornings, merkins, and calf stretches got us lubed up.

Thang 1: YHC with a 60 lb sandbag, One D with a CMU, Kitty with a weight plate, and Bartman also with a 60 lb bag-o-sand we got to work. Sets of 20 reps for the following: RegYOOLAR squats, bear hug squats with coupon, clean and jerk squats with coupons, overhead press and rucksack high pulls. Then on your six for American hammes holding rucks, on your back knees up and essentially tricep extensions holding your ruck, and then bench press your ruck. Repeato and Repeato.

Thang 2: Rucks on and coupons up, mosey to the front of the school. Repeato and Repeato the above series of exercises. Then mosey to the top of the hill and merkins. Begin mosey back to the flag.

Mary: Started on some iteration of Mary and the return of the gazelles at full tilt brought it all home.

COT: 22 gazelles, 4 gorillas. Prayers for parents, teachers, students, and admins across the board. For college students having to come home again. GTL took us out.

NMS: Was a really good morning with these three other HIMs. Ruck PT is a new favorite of YHC’s as not only does it build strength, it really is a solid 45 mins of stretching that YHC needs to do it more regyooLARly. Everything involved with rucking makes me better at 1st F across the board. Running is better, cardio is better, flexibility improves and strength increases across the body. It also provides an ideal and not out of breath setting for some HQM (high quality mumblechatter). Today’s topics included the DNC convention, naming kids, One D’s newest (and last) degree (congrats!) and all things current events.

Thanks, men!

See also