Mosquito joy at the 'rok

Kids are out of town so of course all us nutters at F3 decide that’s a great time to post extra and maybe hit up sites that are normally off the books, right? Looked forward to this crew, knowing that it usually brings some faces that are less frequently seen in the gloom.

So of course the first face I see when I roll up is Press On rocking a TCU Fear the Frog t-shirt. It’s a good start to the evening.

Assessed the group of guys who showed up this evening and found a very wide range of ages. Pearls on a string sounds about right.


At the mini ampitheater just off the shelters. Probably a Boy Scout project. Mini set of SSH, derkins, dips, squats, and probably some other stuff.

Also got to know the four guys I hadn’t previously met.

First two mosquito bites. It’s going to be one of those nights.


Moseyed over to the greenway ‘round the lake and hung a right. Stopped every now and again to get the group back together. While we wait, squat hold and each time do some combination of several, if not all, of the below:

  • 10 count arms in front
  • 10 count arms up
  • 10 IC Sir Fazio
  • 10 on-my-down mini squats
  • Slap the mosquito

I think we stopped four times while taking the back trails over to the playground by the baseball fields. Several more mosquito bites.

Intermission: Mini-Murph

Partner up and together complete 50 pull-ups; 100 merkins; 150 IC LBCs. Partner runs ‘round the bathrooms. Finished it all up together with everyone doing five pull-ups together. It may have been ten. But I think it was five. Just one mosquito bite though. Win!

Back to your regularly scheduled programming

Continuing our mosey through the park’s back trails we meet up with Press On and Spud debating whether Tide or ALL is the better laundry detergent. Go figure.

More squat stops. Added merkins as an option.

Had to do a little bit of bushwacking when the trail decided to go a direction that I was not interested in.

More mosquitos.

Back to the shelters. Bolton is waiting patiently. Not to work out mind you. That would be crazy.


Don’t remember. But there was some. I think we finished with Superman and some J. Los.


  • 8. The only sweat Bolton got was the one off my shirt when I hugged him.
  • Announcements of TCP and the WCM food pantry thing at Lowes. Then look ahead to October fun
  • Prayers for Texas Ranger, his parents and of course the entire family.


Seeing familiar faces is a good thing. I loved catching up with PBX earlier this week before he headed off for Philmont, for example. But it’s nice to meet new guys as well. Enjoyed chatting up it up with Sunshine (who is very much advocating for a new nickname!), Texas’s kids and Run Off as well. Great to see this group keep growing and finding awesome guys at every turn.

See also