More Burpees Than Planned

PAX: 19 (FNG Lite-Brite)

Excited to hit up some BO this morning. YHC has been on the low low when it comes to Q-ing so I’m happy to get back in the game. With all of the new AOs the opportunity to lead a workout can only increase!

So just as my Twitter #PB announced I arrived at 0530 for some #TTT.  Stretched for quite a bit before the next cars mosey’d onto the lot.  Sidenote - Lots of chatter today about what a mosey pace should be.  Answer:  Whatever the Q says it is :)

Coney brought Burt’s TTT collection and those with sleeves improved their wardrobe.  #AdditionBySubtraction(ofSleeves)

0544 disclaimer was presented and we were off for a warmup jog around the church lot and back up to the light poles of Academy.

Warmup: GM x 10, SSH x 25, 4ct Squats x 10, YHC is out of ideas so lets roll!

The Thang

Oh hey Mississippi!  10 penalty burpees!

The Thang

Lazy Burpee 7s Definition:  Lazy = not much running / Burpee = the main exercise / 7s = Burpees with *squats like this: Light Pole 1 = 1 burpee with 6 squats Light Pole 2 = 2 burpees each with 5 squats  (10 total squats) Light Pole 3 = 3 burpees each with 4 squats (12 total squats) OK you get the point.  I’m going to reintroduce this now that we all understand.

Fountain Work Here we would do an exercise to failure then upon failure run down the grass hill and do burpees until everyone arrived.  Later YHC audibled to run down hill and back performing burpees at the fountain…then audibled to squats.  Didn’t mean to do all these burpees…

  • Exercises:  Dips  /  Derkins  /  Aussie Mountain Climbers  /  Aussie Plank Jacks  /  Urkins

Hill Sprints Now at bottom of the hill partner up for 3 rounds of hill sprints with slowsey back down the hill after each round.

Catch Me If You Can 5 squats for CMIFC back to church lot down the back street (I’m not googling it just for the name.  I want to say Hunter or Hudson something with an H?)

Bear Crawl / CMIFC Execution wasn’t on point here but basically partner 1 bear crawls up the church road, partner 2 catches P1 takes over the bear crawl and P2 runs back down to the start and back to flapjack with P1 again.  Pax mentioned running to the finish line and back.  THAT TOTALLY MAKES MORE SENSE!  You will see this again and executed right…looking at you big FOD parking lot.


Wait where is our flag!?  No flag!?  Who is Site Q round here!?  -  5 penalty burpees Rewind a bit Bartman informed me earlier in the workout he’s doing a 5,000 burpee challenge and this workout was really helping him out.  Well at the end bear crawl he said he only had 5 left to finish the challenge.  YHC found a very real reason to drop 5 more burpees on the Pax.  No flag guys!?  Come on we’re better than that.  I think we only had 2 site Qs though (if anyone is looking for a good excuse.)


Shakira left and right x 10 IC Dying Cockroach x 20 IC (I could barely say 1-2-3 on the last rep so that ended the workout…)

Announcements  -

-  SWW AO starts TOMORROW! -  Congrats Bartman!  Glad we could all assist today. -  Hi-Liter’s Father  As he continues to receive treatment he is doing and looking well.  All credit goes to prayer and God for this!  Continue to pray! -  Prayers for Houston!  Continued prayers as the devastation will continue to be uncovered for the months to come.  Pray for the families affected and praises to those who heard the calling to “pick up the 6” and help in any way they can.

See also