More blocks

Lower temps and humidity made for a perfect night at Rush Hour. It was nice to get back to some bootcamp training after the BRR training. The blocks I carry in the bed of truck came in handy.

2 minute warning; No FNG’s; Mission; pledge; and we are off. Well sort of, Press On is trying to EH a friendly, heavily tattooed, dude on a bike. The dude admitted to smoking a lot of weed and not being in good cardio shape. He said he was 62 and mocked us young guys. That did not discourage Press On. Dude biked with us as we moseyed to check to see if Jordan Lake was open. He decided to move on after our first warm up of SSH’s. FYI: Jordan Lake is not opened on Tuesdays.

  • Good Evenings

  • Hillbillies

  • Merkins

  • Mountain climbers/calf stretch

  • Get block from FRED

  • Thang 1Diego  

    • 100 - Irkins on block; 150 Tri Extensions; 200 - Overhead press w/ block; ??? LBC’s w/ block; ; ?? - Block Curls. Moving around ToC campus. Good chatter eliminated the counting and we just did some sets and pickles. Took our blocks to the finest turf in Cary.
  • Thang 2: Captain Thor & Ground Work

    • Mosey to grassy spot with the 2-piece horse. 
    • Start on one end with a Captain Thor: 1 big boy 4 Hammers ascending count. Then move across the turf by the following: 1. Inchworm 2. Bear Crawl 3. Crawl Bear 4. Seal Crawl. The PAX were a big fan of the seal crawl.
  • Mary

    • Doggie Paddle
    • Box Cutter (Horatio)
    • Crunchy Frog (Press On)
    • WWII  (Kermit)
  • Theresa

    • Light stretching
  • Count off, Name-o-rama: 1 Hate; 2 Meh’s; 1 almost Respect; 2 Respects

  • COT: Prayers for healing: Riptide, Callahan, The Joker, and Speed Racer. The BRR runners recovering from the weekend.
    Praises for the fellowship and fitness of the BRR.
    Announcements: Sign up for the Odyssey; Blood Drive; Haven House Campaign.

NMS: Great to see Disco and Speed Racer. Good work by good men. Disco felt that Riptide would have enjoyed my stretching exercises. I certainly left myself open for some mumblechatter.
5 for 2ndF at Pharmacy. I left early; I had to get home for some Skylight Inn BBQ, beans, coleslaw, and cornbread. It was spectacular.
Make it a great week.

See also