Monday morning (super moon) lights

YHC had planned for a 45-minute DICE themed Q, because you know, my friends call me Dice. But, with the big reveal of the College Football Playoffs yesterday, YHC called an audible… OMAHA!

As the Pax gathered in the gloom under the light of the Super Moon, YHC headed to the big field to plant the flag. YHC headed back to the Pax.

Some mumble chatter under their belts the Pax were ready. The only disclaimer on the way to the gloom was that if these boys thought there were gonna sit around and get fat and happy before the bowl games, they were sadly (and hopefully sorely after this beatdown) mistaken.

To the end line for full field warm ups of high knees, butt kickers and a 2x karaoke. Back to the flag after a fake hand-off drill to each Pax (hugh know YHC brought the pig skin) for:

  • SSH
  • Cotton bowl pickers
  • Mountaineer climbers
  • Sir Farzio arm circles
  • Standard Merkin

Thang 1-4: In honor of the top four teams in all the land the Pax would travel to the four corners of the field for:

#4 Alabama Crimson (ABB) Tide

  • It was a role of the DICE for the committee between Alabama and Ohio State, so with that the Pax rolled a pair for:
  • 11 Saban Squats
  • 8 LBC (IC)
  • And in honor of Bama’s 16 National Championships, 16 burpees before leaving Birmingham

#3 Georgia Bulldogs (thanks for attending Earhart and Flip Flop… womp womp)

  • Bulldog crawl from the corner to the flag
  • Some exercise (YHC thinks it was 10 merkin)
  • Bulldog crawl back to the corner and then a mosey from Athens to Norman

#2 Oklahoma Sooner

  • With the Heisman front-runner on their team the Pax Heisman lunged to the flag
  • But the problem with Baker Mayfield is his antics, so 10 penalty burpees for the crotch grab
  • And a Heisman lunge back to the corner before moseying down to Clemson

#1 The Defending National Champion Clemson Tigers

  • At Clemson the Tigers touch the rock before making their way to the field, so the Pax grabbed a rock
  • Curls then run to the flag and back
  • Triceps then run to the flag and back
  • Rock row then run to the flag and back
  • Press then run to the flag

Predictions will run wild, but by YHC’s count it will be George and Clemson in the title game, so back to each corner for a Repeato round with each team

Thang 2:

Champions push through the pain, so at the flag it’s circle up for the “circle of pain.” 4 HIMs in the middle (Aristocrat, Hi-Liter, Elf, WKRP) for a 10, 9, 8…1 on Burpees, Squats, Merkins, LBCs (a la the Thanksgiving convergence). The team stepped it up and crushed it just in time for 1 more lap around the field and an all you got back to the flag. Circle up for have a nice day as the clock hit 0:00 on a championship beat down.

COR: 14 All-Americans


  • Toys for tots at all AO’s until Ma Bell picks them up on Thursday
  • Christmas party is 12/14, register (talk to Riptide for info) and come out for some quality 2nd F


  • Grease Monkey’s mom and her fight with cancer
  • Angy Elf’s grandmother and her battle to eat and drink and keep her health up
  • YHC took us out, standing ball of man, hands up together in the middle


  • Pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever
  • You’re 5-foot-nothing, 100-and-nothing, and not a speck of athletic talent, and you hung in there with the top college football program in the land
  • Now I can’t do it for you. You gotta look at the guy next to you, look in his eyes, and you’ll see the guy who’s ready to go that extra inch with you.
  • It is always an honor to lead you men through a workout. You have made me stronger mentally, physically, and emotionally. For that I thank you and until next time… SYITG and attack the day with an enthusiasm unknown to man.

- Coach Kitty

See also