
Celebrating 5 years in the Gloom. Let’s do it! 23 Pax in total came out to help me celebrate here’s what I can remember us doing.

Warm Up: Pledge, Mosey to soccer field. Circle Up. Vanilla Warm up including Good Mornings, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Side straddle Hops, M’ericans & Prisoner Squats Planck Jacks, Mountain Climbers.

The Thang: Bear Crawl across the field then Gorilla Hop back. Indian Run down to the tennis courts with a stop for M’ericans & Prisoner Squats. At the tennis courts we do the Beast work out. 6 exercises done 6 times for 6 reps. M’ericans, Squats, LBC’s Carolina Dry Docks, Burpees Audible’d for time. Mosey back to the park entrance with backwards run, Carioca, High Knees & butt kickers along the way.

Mary: WW2s, LBC’s, Freddy Mercury and finish up with some light stretching

COT: Announcements, Prayers & Praises spoken YHC lead us in prayers.

NMS: This writing of backblasts seems a bit harder than I remember it being. Was it always this complicated or am I just becoming computer illeterate?