Monday- Funday!

23 HIM strong in the very moist & gloomy Wolverine – so much for the bright sunshine post time change. T-Claps for 2 FNGs coming out in the rain – nice start!

We started with the pledge of allegiance at the flag.  Cross Davis to the west sidewalk & head up to the middle school - started the warm up in the front, but moved to the back to avoid the garbage truck…

Warm Up


Good mornings

Cotton Pickers

Sir Fazio forward & back

Bear crawl to your right now that shoulders are loose

Standard Merkins

Mountain Climbers


The Thang

Head down to the track & find a partner roughly the same speed – start at the top of the curve.  Partners split up in different directions & meet up on the opposite side for 5 -Bropees.  Halfway there & on way back, stop for the following:

Standard Merkins

Start Jumps

Carolina Dry Docks

Finish each set with 5 more bropees.

Enough of that, let’s head for the shelter at Wolverine - catch-me-if-you-can with your partner back – alternating 7 Merkins/CDDs before catching your partner.  (thanks Banjo & Hi-Liter for picking up the 6!

At picnic tables – (just a bit crowded):  rounds of dips/irkins/prisoner squats, then lots of Mary – LBC’s, Dying Cockroaches, American Hammers, Hi-Liter special side plank elbow-to-knee thing.

Time’s up – head back to the flag and circle up for:


Count-a-rama:  23 PAX, including FNGs Cool Beans (EH’d by Doogie) and Ashbury (15 years old, one of four sons of Meat Loaf)


  • Sunday Nov 11th, Durham 5K on Veterans Day ( Water Wings to send out details and a coupon
  • Carpex F3 and FIA Triple-Down November 17th, 6:00 AM Bond Park (quad-down if your follow with F3Dads
  • Thanksgiving convergence & flag football – Banjo has the details
  • Coffee @ Crema post Wolverine per tradition

Prayers & Praises:

Praises to Borland (Raleigh F3 & has posted in Carpex) for his amazing zeal for disaster relief ops – current projects include hurricane relief in both NC & FL .  He is now F3Nation leader for this & will prep for the next event.

Prayers for Fluoride’s safety & service – he is downrange in South Sudan doing dental work – amazing!

YHC took us out with Gratitude – make it a great week everyone!

See also