Momma Said Knock You Out

Having just passed over the #AO-Wed-LionsDen site Q duties over last week, YHC had already planned to start traveling a bit on Wednesdays. The first stop on the #retirement_tour was Tortoise. Or is it Tortoises?

A few PAX were doing pull-ups early, then others started to roll in. Finally Yogi came rolling in. The PAX, having just been talking about proper social distancing, mentioned that Yogi was likely to just pull in close for a nice kiss. Rather than leave it up to chance, YHC made it clear that if anyone decided that was a good idea, it would be met with 5 across the lip (credit to Fred Sanford).

Eight PAX were given the F3 Mission and no FNGs, so moved on to Pledge of Allegiance.

Warm Up

SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Seal claps, Steve Earles, Plank Jacks and CFMs.

The Thang

A deconstructed, non-running Dora. Start on one side of the parking lot, complete 20 Bonnie Blairs and 30 Carolina Dry Docks. Bear crawl to the other end of the lot, complete 10 Burpos. Crab walk back to where you started. Do 5 rounds of this.


Captain Thor, Have a Nice Day


3 Respects, 3 Hates, 2 Mehs

Prayers for our leaders and healthcare workers. YHC took us out.


One of the things I LOVE about F3 is the mumblechatter and busting each others’ balls during workouts and 2nd F. Being a former team sport athlete, once sports are over this is something I really missed. With the current COVID-19 pandemic, this can be a little more tricky. So while the beginning of this BB had some funny references to social distancing (which did actually happen), there is no joke about what is going on today. Be smart guys - have a positive impact on those around you. Get better today, and take the proper precautions to protect you, your family, and anyone else you might come into contact with. Possibly most of all, don’t take this lightly. Now go be the Minivan Centurion you’ve been training to be!

See also