Moist for teacher

It was moist today. Humid. Muggy. Sticky. Steamy. Oppressive. Clammy. Soupy. Heavy. Like a Turkish bath.

Thank god it wasn’t dank. That would have been too much.


Drive 21 minutes from home to H4T. Check on first option for Thang 1 but decide it’s too dark. Check on second option for Thang 1 and decide it’s a bit too overgrown. Decide to go with third, and most obvious option.

As the guys start showing up, one keeps looking at me, then up at the sky, then at me and back to the sky.

Turns out it’s Ramsey and he’s debating whether to stick around or brave a second YHC Q: He stuck around. It was safer this time.

Also met a couple new dudes this morning. Always enjoy that.

Warm up:

Ran the pickle 1.5 times. Apparently running the pickle is not a thing here at H4T. That’s a shame. It’s a nice flat pickle.

Then into the park for some GM, Abe Vigoda, IW, and maybe one more thing. Already sweating.

Definitely heavy.

Slappy is already yawning. Better step up my game!

Head to the landing at the middle of Z hill.

Thang 1:

Break the PAX into 1s and 2s so we’re not running over each other. Burpees and Star Jumps at the Top and Bottom (start at 1) and Chasing Rabbits (start at 21) in the middle. Increase at the top & bottom… decrease count in the middle.

We went till we get everything to 11.

Finish with 11 burpees.

Thang 2:

Angles in the Outfield. Rays of Sunshine. Albino Tacos. Call it what you will, it was a set of bear crawls, crab walks and gorilla hops to the fence; mosey back.

Definitely soupy.


Indian run back to the start. Eight minutes of non-stop Mary.

On your back: Freddy Mercs; low slooooooow flutters; v-ups; obliques left and right; LBCs

On your soft shell: superman; australian snow angels; B-52s

One Homer 2 Marge.

Ground is soaked. Definitely oppressive.


Countarama: 13

Announcements: Site Q change over coming. Paddling was pre-blasted; CSAUP next Saturday: start at TGM (0530) and end at Godbolt

Prayers: FILs; wise decisions


Cataracts daughter makes a nice latte.

Got to know Yahoo a bit better.

Slim Shady is an Apex dude through and through.

Glad to hang with y’all.


Drive 21 minutes home.

See also