Modify As Necessary

I love F3.  Men coming from all walks of life, at all stages of fitness, to join other men in doing something that at its base is pretty stupid (workouts in all kinds of weather, partner anything, carrying logs, you get the picture), and making gains is downright impressive.  However, it is the litany of examples of authentic manliness (not cliched machismo, but men rolling up their sleeves and fulfilling their God-given roles in their communities and families with perseverance and determination) that are a constant source of inspiration for me - and what has me hooked.  The most recent example of grit and determination being Callahan and his busted ankle.  Lesser men (AKA me) would use that as an excuse to fartsack.  Callahan, however, finds a way to get out there and get stronger despite the injury.  I am awarding him a Golden Merkin Pelt for his efforts.  Take the opportunity to join him on a DL workout sometime soon - for the fellowship and a great workout, of course - but also to support and motivate a fellow PAX who’s making the most of the hand he’s been dealt.  At the end of the day, any one of us could find a great workout at the Y or Orange Theory or Camp Gladiator or at home.  But the camaraderie and inspiration is what makes F3 unique and has kept me coming back for almost three years now.  Here’s what we did with heavy things in a modified Insomnia:

Set 1 - One PAX on 10lb sandbag swings, one PAX on 25lb plate swings, and one PAX farmer carrying 2x25lb dumbbells about 50yds and back.  Rotate through until all PAX hit all stations.  20x recovery LBCs, then repeat.  This time, farmer carry 50yds in the opposite direction to pester Chinese Downhill to get out of his car and join us.  Had I known he was early to SNS in order to quietly study hi Bible and reflect on God’s goodness, I would not have called this exercise.  As it was, he did join us…good man, that one.

Set 2 - One PAX truck driving the 35lb sandbag/plate combo until exhaustion while the other PAX are on 10lb triceps or 25lb curls AMRAP.  Rotate through and then 20x recovery box cutters before repeating the whole thing.

Set 3 - One PAX lunge-walks 20yds and back while one PAX overhead holds the 35lb. overhead and one PAX is on 10lb butterflies.  Cycle through, then break for 20-count/PAX people’s chair and 20-count/PAX BTTW (with a bonus 20x BTTW merkins at the end), then repeat.

By this time a sizeable crowd of spectators (NOT participants) had gathered in excited expectation of Smokey’s 3rd beatdown, so we knocked out 20 merkins to end it.

Great fun was had by all.

See also