Millennial Mayhem

‘Twas a lovely morning on the border of Cary and Apex, where Miss Laura Duncan once cooked some chard on a stone. 18 men gathered to pay tribute to the Millennial generation with a goal of 2000-count exercises: 1000 reps and 1000 meters of running. Dodging the expected deluge of rain, we had a fine time in the cool, soggy gloom…one might even say “moist.” YHC had found the Millennial workout on the Exicon and thought it would be a great way to challenge the PAX to a well-rounded beatdown. Since this was YHC’s first A-Team visit, and first A-Team Q, I paid a site visit on Saturday to figure out the landscape. There’s a cool little “Elevate” workout track, but its soaking wet and maybe a little cheesy for our group of burly men. I sorta remembered that the gate is locked but didn’t take into account how far a run it is back to the main parking area. Oh well, what better way to start the workout than a nice 1/2 mile mosey…

Warmups: Good Morning, Imperial Walker, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Yoga/plank series (Plank; chataranga/cobra; RH overhead stretch; LH overhead stretch; R/L runners stretch; Downward dog/calf stretch; bent over swan dive)

Thang: Millennial (its in the Exicon…look it up) - 10 rounds of 100 reps + 100m run in between; first 9 rounds end when the first PAX finishes 100 reps; final round of burpees till you drop or run out of time

  • SSH + 100m run
  • Lunges + 100m run
  • Merkins + 100m run
  • Overhead Claps + 100m run
  • Squats + 100m run
  • Squatter 100’s + 100m run
  • Hillbillies + 100m run
  • Mountain Climbers + 100m run
  • Sideplank dips + 100m run
  • Burpees + 800m run back to park entrance


Count-A-Rama: 17 studs and me


Announcements: See Hotspot for band fundraiser, needs volunteers; new AO launching net week at St. Mary Magdalene - 5:30AM bootcamp “Lion’s Den” (same place as 2018 CSAUP launch)

Praises/Prayers: Sooey and Ausfahrt on continued recovery; thanksgiving for Liverpool and Waterwings return and great service in Peru

NMS: You fellas are real HIM for coming out on a holiday Monday morning in the rainy/moist gloom to fellowship with your brothers. You all worked like a bunch of hosses this morning, which I found inspiring. The 100 burpees at the end was a little aggressive, but I look forward to repeating this workout and leaving more time at the end to actually finish - WE CAN DO IT! I’ll give fair warning on Slack for any of you who want to opt out…

Thanks as always for your inspiration and leadership!

See also