Miles and Miles at Wolverine (but no Angry Elf)

On this day, when Hello Kitty was looking for a distance record at Kryptonite, YHC decided to take the PAX for a jog around the gloomiest of gloomy AOs in CARPEx. Luckily, it was a full moon dispelling much of the gloom. Alas, no one wore a smartwatch that I could tell [EDIT: YHC notes that Jigglypuff had his (obviously uncalibrated) Strava going. You can enjoy it here]. And thankfully my neighbor slept in meaning we were a perfectly even 8.


  • Mosey past the playground and over to the moonlit large field
  • 20 IC SSH, 10 GM, 15 WM, 15 CP, 20 (poorly called) IC IW

Thang #1

Partner up and Catch-me-if-you-can to the other side of the big loop. 5 hand release merkins to the chaser. After making it over to the other side in record-setting time, instructions for Thang  #1 were given:

  • Each partner takes a direction and meet up on the other side of Wolverine’s magic mile loop where they do 10 burpees, 10 L-R lunges, 10 L-R IW, 10 merkins and 10 prisoner squats (BLIMP)
  • Continue on your way to the other side and repeato
  • Flip-flop directions and repeat.
  • That’s two laps of BLIMPS.

4-man Indian run back to the ’top’ of the field.

Thang #2

Grab a new partner for some Lazy Doras. While Partner 1 starts with 100 Star Jumps / 200 LBC / 300 Squats, Partner 2 performs some Compass Merkins on the hill (5 each facing uphill, left, downhill, right). Flip-flop and continue. Let me tell you… steep hills make for the best compass merkins!


Mosey up to the basketball court for a quick set of Mary

  • 20 Heels to Heaven
  • 4-count low slow flutter around the circle
  • 20 Freddie Mercs
  • 20 L-R Heel Touches
  • 10 Boat-Canoes

Have a Nice Day! … until YHC recalls the traditional Wolverines. Still 30 second left so get after it and give Hi-Liter 3 OYO. Saban not approved


  • Blessed to lead 8 HIMs this fine Monday morning
  • Announcements: lots of HIMs planning to join Hi-Liter tonight and tomorrow
  • Prayers for YHC’s friend Doug who lost his dad suddenly

See also