This morning I embraced a no-alarm-clock approach, and followed through on my intent to do a KB workout OYO. I’m still rehabbing a sore foot that makes a typical beatdown a bad idea, so I’ve been trying to focus on what I can do.

I’d asked Gobbler for details about a workout with Little Spoon (aka Cadre DS) from Morocco, and he sent me the link but not the date/time. As I finished my KB set, I figured it was late enough in the PNW to ask him when it was going down. “Right now” was the reply. Great! Grab some water and the ruck and join on in.

I did a few rounds of the workout of the day, followed by a short ruck with some DS wisdom thrown in. He talked about his training approach, MILES.

  • Mindset. Approach your training with the right mindset. This morning was beautiful, which made that easy. Some days aren’t. Still, you know you’ll feel better after that workout than before. Go in with that mindset.
  • Intensity. DS is a pretty intense guy. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing hard. Ecclesiastes 9:10a says “Whatever you find to do, do it with your might.” Aye.
  • Load. Some missions call for heavy, some for light. I’ve been trying to figure out how to modify the load and still get a good workout while recovering my body to get back into the fight. You ever have too heavy a load and need a brother to help take some? Me too. Galatians 6:2.
  • Environment. The environment F3 creates is pretty special. We all make it that way. Sometimes, if my Mindset isn’t right, I’m not doing my part to contribute positively to that Environment. We all have our part. Earlier in the workout he said “rucking is not a spectator sport.” Neither is the gloom.
  • Situation. This is the part that hit home for me. Your situation will change. Right now some guys are facing furloughs. Some are crazy busy and high-stress. Almost all of us have a loved one we’re concerned about. My minor injury is nothing compared to all this, yet I’ve been letting it get to me. DON’T LET YOUR SITUATION DICTATE YOUR ATTITUDE AND TRAINING.

I’m so glad I joined in to catch this last bit. CUITG.