MiL loves her new Condo

Well, there goes my last excuse, time to ring that second bell.


20 HIMs mosey through the balls. YHC thought to cause some chaos in people’s days by skipping the good mornings, but reflex took over and everyone got their good morning before arms circles and perfectly led seal claps.

Thang 1

Tired of feeling the threat of dropping a rock on YHC’s head, we hit the rock pile first for three rounds of overhead presses, dollar bill pickups, and ruh-rows. Number of reps varied based on YHC’s ability to keep count against the mumblechatter.

Off to a great start, already down a PAX. RIP Shutty.

Thang 2

Blimps, suicide style in the grocery store lot. And an extra final round to burn clock, because PAX be helpful.

Two lines run back for Merry, YHC allows one to take a longer route.


Taking advantage of YHC’s daze, Hermes started Merry Around the Circle for some LBCs, boat canoes, homer to marges, something, and have a nice day.


Odyssey is Saturday at SWW 0600 launch – get there by 0545
Pig Pickin at SWW 1600 same day – $5/plate $10/family

Thoughts for Disco’s wife and mother-in-law, Joe Smith’s 2.0, YHC’s M, YHC’s 2.0, and YHC.

Happy birthday Yoga Mat.


Parking lot coffeeteria, courtesy of Chipper.

See also