Might need a disclaimer before the backwards Billy Run....

So this was my 3rd F3 workout in 24 hrs and I was feeling a little tired but looking forward to Qing probably my favorite workout location. There are so many options and there is even a parking deck!

WARM UP: SSH, Good Morning, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jacks, and Merkins. We added some high knees, butt kicks, and Frankenstein walks on the way to the Page Walker House.

DORA 123: Partner up and then 100/200/300 – Box Jumps/Australian Pullups/LBCs while the other partner takes a lap around the parking lot.

CATCH ME IF YOU CAN: Up to the parking deck, one partner run backwards while the other partner does 5 burpees and then runs to catch up

Mike Tysons at the top for good measure and because I just learned them. Then run down, up, and down the stairs.

Jog back to the start of the billy run.

This is where I regretted my choice.

We did a backwards billy run to the flag and that’s when Sputnik went down.  It was fast and looked like it hurt. Sorry Sputnik! Hope you aren’t hurt too bad and you recover quickly! 

COT: 15 Pax and almost forget nameoroma (thanks Large Mouth)

Announcements included the memorial day convergence at Olive Chapel Elementary and Smokey’s daughter is graduating. Praise!

Prayer requests and then QIC took us out in prayer.


  • Sorry again Sputnik
  • Hello Kitty was a good partner and encourager
  • I felt like Callahan hurting someone at the workout
  • I had to look up how to spell Coxswain but I saw him do it at the picnic to sign in so I don’t feel so bad
  • Figured I might as well include another christian rap song. See if you can catch the Ephesians reference.
  • Thanks for coming out and letting me lead!

See also