Mid-20⁰ Chill In The Gloom. Could I Bring The Heat?

AO: Tortoises

Date; 1/22/20

PAX: Ashbury, Bubba, Ezekiel, Intimidator, Meatloaf, Rooney, Sega, WWW, Yogi

A pre-blast from my boy Ezekiel letting the potential HIMs know that even with the weather forecast of mid to low-20s, I will bring the heat. That is a big challenge statement. I arrived at the AO and the temp did not disappoint, it was a balmy 26⁰. The day prior before a Disco Duck Q, I had visions in my REM sleep of sugarplum fairies dancing and magically waving their wands filling my head full of routines and exercises. I had the pleasure of experiencing Disco Duck’s FWD Q and the weird part about it, his routine of 100’s was one of the routines … CRAZY or déjà vu. I can honestly say, DD brought the fire to FWD. How could I match fire with the Tortoises bunch? Read on for deets.

As the PAX arrived and try to stay warm before the show, I was finalizing the plan in my head. 0525 – Ezekiel asks me if I’m going to bring the heat? I emphatically responded with OH YEAH! 0530 – No FNG. F3 mission, core values and credo cited. Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory and off we go to the top of the pickle. The norm is mosey around the pickle to circle up for warm-up. Here is the twist. QIC calls crawl bear to the other end of the pickle and circle up for warm-ups. The PAX’s mind was blown but by the time they were done, they were ready to shed off a layer of cotton skin.

Warm-up: GM, Sir Fazio, shoulder stretch, calf stretch.

QIC asked the PAX to partner up and then calls out bear crawl to the other end of the pickle back to the starting point to retrieve a coupon (cinder blocks) per team and mosey with coupon overhead back to the warm-up spot to get the thang started.

 Thang 1:

Round 1:

P1: Coupon Presses (AMRAP) as P2 mosey over to pull-up bars to start 100 pull-ups. Mosey back when he needs to swap out. Flap jacks with P1 and does Coupon presses until P1 returns to flapjack again.

Round 2: P1 does Tricep extensions with coupon (AMRAP) until P2 returns from pull-up bars.

Round 3: P1 does curls (AMRAP) until P2 returns.

Round 4: P1 does LBC

Round 5: P1 does flutter kicks

QIC calls for PAX who did not bring the coupon will now take the coupon back overhead carry. Coupons put away.

Mosey over to picnic benches for thang 2.

Thang 2:

Round 1: P1 over to the pit wall to do dips while P2 at benches to do L/R step-ups (25 IC). Flapjack repeato.

Round 2: Repeato for 15 reps IC.

Mosey back to flag for around the horn with Mary. Lots of great ab work (10 reps / pax) to finish out the morning staying as warm as possible.

COR: 9

NOR: Respects (5), Mehs (2), Hates (2


Krispy Kreme Challenge

BRR sign-up ongoing.

Prayers / praises: there were lots of them. Prayers for Cataracts having surgery to correct the issue with his shoulder on Thursday. YHC took us out.


6th Man – Ezekiel … F3 Brothers is what keeps him coming out. They make him accountable. Praises to him for losing 4 inches off the waist. He also enjoys the fellowship F3 brings.

Q #3 of 52. It is always an honor to be in the gloom with these HIMs. I’m charged to continue to accelerate.

See also