Metal Health

12 HIMs rocked, rocked ‘til we nearly dropped on a steamy Monday morning at Hells Bells.

Warm up

A quick mosey around the parking lot as Quiet Riot’s “Cum on feel the noize” started our morning of Hair Metal glory.

  • SSHs
  • Sir Fazios – front and back
  • Michael Phelps
  • Good Mornings
  • Ernie Davis Heisman’s

The Thang

Mosey to the shelter. YHC had a dozen cards with a kettlebell exercise on each one – the PAX took turns selecting the respective exercises. In no particular order, 20 reps of each exercise were completed. In between exercises, the PAX ran around the pickle, while bruisers walked the circle.

  • Goblet squats
  • LBC to press
  • Swings
  • Figure 8s
  • Tricep extension
  • Halos
  • Bent over rows (20 on each side)
  • Rock your bodies
  • Step ups
  • High pulls

The playlist

  • Kickstart my heart – Motley Crue
  • 18 and life – Skid Row
  • It’s so easy – Guns N’ Roses
  • I wanna rock – Twisted Sister
  • Photograph – Def Leppard
  • Panama – Van Halen
  • Round and round – Ratt
  • Girl school – Britny Fox
  • Crazy train – Ozzy Osbourne
  • Wild side – Motley Crue
  • We’re not gonna take it – Twisted Sister
  • Metal health (bang your head) – Quiet Riot
  • Mr. Brownstone – Guns N’ Roses


Flutter kicks, American hammers, Homer-to-Marges, LBCs…Have a nice day!


Green Mile soft launch this Saturday; 2nd F Wednesday at Glory Days

Prayers / Praises

Praises for the 21 who ran Crazy Train this past Saturday

YHC took us out.

See also