Merkins and Burpees

Signing up to Q is a good way to ensure that you’ll show up to the workout. YHC took the DAC Q spot this week to help prevent the Friday fart sack. Here is what we did:

5:30 time for the pledge and we were off!

Warm up:

  • Jog around the front parking lot and circle up. Had to switch it up from Monday!
  • SSH
  • Good morning
  • Windmills
  • Imperial walkers
  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers

Thing 1:

  • Partner up for Dora 100-100-100
  • Merkins, Squats, Monkey Humpers

Thing 2:

  • Mosey to power line hill for 7’s.
  • Merkins at the top, Star Jumps at the bottom

Thing 3:

  • Mosey to the basketball court
  • Bear crawl, burpees while partner does dying cockroaches and homer to marge
  • flip flop
  • Sprints while partner does peoples chair or balls to the wall
  • flip flop

Indian run back to the front parking lot.


  • Homer to marge
  • Low slow flutters
  • 100’s but stopped at 50 just because Crimson wanted his full 100 (we were out of time!)


  • Prayers for mental strength through these difficult times
  • Support for each other


  • Today wasn’t YHC’s best Q, but everyone got their money’s worth
  • Good conversation at coffeeteria
  • Thank you for the opportunity to lead such a fine group of HIMs!

See also