Merkin LBC Madness

Thirteen studs braved the elements to celebrate the VQ’s of Sudafed and Badlands.  Here is what we did.

Pledge of the Allegiance

Warm-Up  Sudafed: 25 x SSH IC Sudafed: 10 x Burpees IC Sudafed: 10 Good Mornings IC Badlands:15 Imperial Walkers Badlands: 15 Merkins Badlands:15 Mountain Climbers

Mosey to the elementary school for the thang.

The Thang Part 1 (Sudafed): Partner up for Bear Crawl 1-2-3’s 1: Bear Crawls to the island (100 feet?) and Crawl Bears back, alternate 2: 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Al Gore Squats completed as a team

Indian Run to the soccer field

Part 2 (Badlands): 11’s that became 7’s ( a lack of time thang) Line up on the sideline (width of the field).  Run across the field and do 6 merkins. Run back and do 1 LBC. Keep repeating until you end with 6 LBC’s and 1 merkin.

Mosey back to the basketball court.


Badlands: Pretzel Crunches x 30 Badlands: Homer to Marge x30

Sudafed: On your six (leg raises to positions 1,2,3 or 4 on my Q) Sudafed: Superman/Banana on my Q Sudafed: Have a Nice Day


count-a-rama: 13

name-a-rama: No respects ( although Nature noted correctly he was the oldest), 10 meh’s, 2 Hate’s, 1 Hate Hate

One FNG: No Bars. Dude was a beast!

Prayer Requests: Moped’s M undergoing tests. Katniss’ family affected by Hurricane Michael. Continued prayers for Bolton’s M and her job search. Continued prayers for those still recovering from Hurricane Florence.


10/14 F3 picnic

10/20 Odyssey

We are truly blessed to be a part of this group!!  Thank you.

See also