Merkin in a Winter Wonderland

9 souls braved Snowmaggedon to be warmed by the fellowship that naturally occurs when HIMs get together.  I mean, it’s scientifically proven.  It’s the stable genius that makes us wake up at 5:15, put on four layers, and traipse through snow and ice.  One might even call it talismanic.

Also talismanic: that Ole Ripper has a backup truck.  And not some small jalopy.  I mean a MAN’s truck. Like a Canyonero 8000HD or some shit like that. Sure, the heat doesn’t work, but when you have the warmth of fellowship, what other heat do you need?  More notable is that without said backup man truck, YHC would still getting fat and sad clownish in his warm, snug, soothing bed.  Thanks for rescuing me from that deplorable scenario, Mr. Tide.

That would not be the only rescue of the day.  You see, not only did some jacklegs steal Rip Tide’s Optimus Prime, they also (presumably unknowingly) stole the BO shovel flag.  THE HORROR! Maybe there is a silver lining.  Maybe the shovel flag will cause those thieving bastards to Google F3, to consider coming out, turning them into FNGs, and then into HIMs, leaving their cold, sinister, evil life behind them such that they feel moved to return our beloved shovel flag (and possibly Rip Tide’s truck).  Until then, however, YHC fully expected us to be a PAX with no flag.  Cue Ollie!  Sweet, lovable, huggable Ollie who had planted his own shovel flag at BO. Rescue number 2, and it wasn’t even 0545.

With 8 men assembled, YHC led the PAX to the parking deck to find an iceless, police-filled place to work on those pool bods.  Denali, in boots originally worn by the westerners of the 1800s, joined us midstream. Up and down the parking deck we went with Merkins, LBCs, gorilla walks, and freddy mercuries at each turn.  Throw in some stairs, some burpees, and icy run back to the flag, and poof, 45 minutes was up.  Time flies when you’re having fun.

On this beautiful morning, men, realize that wonder is all around you.  It is in the gleam of your child’s eye, the warmth of your home, the prowess of your manhood, and of course, in the living art of the snow-laden trees outside.  Grasp it.  Thank God for it. Take a moment today to stop and truly appreciate it.  Life can be fleeting.  And in our fast-paced world, the glory around us can go unnoticed and unappreciated.  Don’t let that happen today. Be present. Slow down. Let down your guard and be amazed. Make today talismanic.

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