#MeowMile and #MerkinMonday

YHC pulled up to your neighborhood Food Lion with windshield whippers a’whipping thinking, “this could suck.” But, alas the rain broke and a top-notch Monday was underway.

The #MeowMile was converted to the #DiscoDash as a pair of feathered felines headed towards the premiere AO in Apex on a Monday at 0545.

After a lovely stroll to the gate, YHC and the Duckman were met by 10 additional Lions, and with Ma-Bell amongst the PAX the promise of #MerkinMonday would hold true.

Sharply at 0545 (thanks Nan’tan) we were off for a mosey to the front lot.


  • Merkins, of course (20)
  • SSH
  • Good Morning
  • Sir Farzio x 2
  • Imperial Walker
  • More Merkins (20)

Warmup part deux:

  • Quick feet on the curb
  • Curb ‘Erkins (30 total)
  • Squats
  • Repeato
  • Catch me if you can with 10 Monkey Humpers to the b-ball courts. #LTG

Thang 1:

  • Partner up on the court
  • Partner 1 B2TW while Partner 2 runs to the stop sign and back (flip-flop)
  • Partner 1 Peoples Chair while Partner 2 runs to the stop sign and back (flip-flop)
  • Partner 1 LBC while Partner 2 Bear Crawls the court (flip-flop)
  • Partner 1 WWII while Partner 2 Lunges the court (flip-flop)
  • Partner carries x2 on the court. Beefy.

Thang 2:

  • Mosey to the shelter
  • Dips
  • Bench ‘Erkin (15 in cadence, 30 total)
  • L/R step up
  • Derkins (15 in cadence, 30 total)
  • Repeato
  • On the mosey back to the lot by the courts there was some backwards running then a circle up for:
    • Merkins (10)
    • Diamond Merkins (10)
    • Wide Grip Merkins (10)
    • One handed (R) Merkins (5)
  • Indian Run back to the big lot up front, stop at the guard rail for:
    • Dips
    • Erkins (10, total of 20)
    • Repeato
  • Before Mary, an all you got to the end of the lot. Hell we’ve got 1 more, an all you got back to the front and circle up


  • Freddy Mercury w/ YHC, Heels to Heaven w/ Michelob, Cockroach w/ Disco Duck and 1 more round of Merkins lead by the Nan’tan himself (25)


  • F3 Dads, Saturday at 0900, Bond Park
  • Thanksgiving convergence, 0700 (60 minutes) at BO. YHC on the Q.
  • Turkey bowl at Weatherstone at 0930, check with Burt for details.
  • Black Friday Ruck from DZ, check with Banjo for details.

YHC took us out with prayers for Pickles’ cousin and the PAX joined for the Lord’s prayer. Powerful. It is always my honor and privilege to lead you men through the Gloom. I’m inspired by your dedication, commitment, and discipline. Tclaps for the HIM for Carpex. Aye!

See also