Men at Work

When the M tells you that your plans are canceled and you are able to go work out AND you see that there’s a vacancy in the Q spot. Coincidence or Providence? It matters not because there was work to be done.

Warm Up:

Jog over to the grassy area and square up.

  • 20x SSH IC
  • 10x GM IC
  • 10x WM IC
  • 10x IW IC

Head back over to the parking lot where we line up on the curb for…

  • Bear Crawl to the other side then Crawl Bear back then do the same for the below exercises.
  • Crab Walk/Walk Crab
  • Bunny Hop/Hop Bunny
  • Froggy jump/Jump Froggy
  • Inch Worm/Worm Inch
  • Gorilla Hop/Hop Gorilla
  • Recovery run around the lot x1
  • Carioca forward around the lot then reverse

Head over to the walkway and grab a hand rail for

  • 10x Austrailian Pull ups SC
  • 10x U’rcans SC

Repeato and subtract 1 until there are none

  • Lunge walk up the walkway until you reach the glass doors.
  • Reverse Lunge walk back to the start

Separate into 2 heats

  • Group 1 - AYG sprint up the walkway until you reach the glass and sprint back.
  • Group 2 - Alternate between regular and low plank holds.

Swap Groups

  • Group 1 - AYG backwards sprint up the walkway until you reach the glass and backwards sprint back.
  • Group 2 - LBC’s oyo

Back to the grassy area and find a spot on the low wall for…

  • 10x Left/Right Step Ups IC
  • 10x M’urcans SC

Repeato and subtract 1 until there are none (however we had to stop at 5 for time’s sake)



  • K2C this Saturday at 8:00am w/ Pre-Murph before starting at 6:30am
  • TT 1/2 and Full Marathon coming up in March as is The Mule

Prayers and Praises:

  • Aristocrats friends on their newborn and speedy recovery for the mother
  • DD’s wife as they figure out what’s going on with her feet.

YHC lead us in prayer.

NMS: Some of this stuff was hard! Easier typed than done came to mind but we preservered and came out the other side stronger! Thank you for the opportunity to lead! See you in the gloom.

See also