Memorial Day Warm-up

Once in awhile, it is nice to post at an F3 location that has one substantial exercise, or small sets of exercises that repeat for a good 35 minutes.  It becomes a sort of moving meditation with your mind becoming the only deterrent.  That is the beauty of the “Murph”.  For those of you who do not know, this workout is titled after the Navy Seal Michael Murphy who was killed in action during a firefight in Afghanistan in 2005.  He was awarded the medal of honor for his leadership that day, and also loved this workout which he titled “Body Armor”.  Without too much history, just in case someone is new I will move on.  It is simple, effective, and really a good mix of cardio and strength.  The one challenging part of the “Murph”, is the large spread on completion times between Old Maid and Freebird for instance.  This creates the need to have a “first complete” lead Mary instructions ready.


Motivating speech that everyone is going to get ripped today

The Thang

  • 1 Mile run (two laps around the baseball fields on the path)
  • 100- pull-ups
  • 200-merkins
  • 300-squats
  • 1 Mile run

Mary was lead by Earhart and Old Maid due to finishing time.   I do know finishing times ranged from 40 to 45 minutes.


Picnic & Convergence May 6th (Bond Park)

SNS Coffeteeria in the parking lot after the workout 4/12/17

Saturday Easter Egg hunt Swag’s church at Thomas Brooks Part (10-12 noon)

Prayer Request

Easter Travel safety

Spring Break accidents

F3 companions dealing with health issues

See also