Memorial Day Tribute

On a day set aside to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice 57 HIMs made a statement of gratitude, respect and admiration for the fallen by way of sweat, tears and even a little blood.

First things First: 10 brave HIMs participated in an EC Murph at 0600. Pierogi, Hermes, Oofta, Ollie, Banjo, Old Maid, Squatter, Captain Kirk, Joe Smith, Tecumseh, WWW, Sky Blue and Michelob. Excellent work gentlemen!

Gathering around Old Glory Spit Valve blessed us with a playing of the National Anthem on his trumpet. A short mosey later the warm up ensued to include 10 4-count Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Cotton Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Windmill and Crab Cakes. Big thanks to Franklin for educating YHC on proper exercise announcing.  A quick introduction to the Burpo (A Burpee but starting and stopping in the down squat position) foreshadowed things to come later.

Properly warmed up all PAX moseyed to the soccer field and partnered up along the end-line.

DORA 1-2-3-4:  100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats, 400 Fluttering Supermans. While partner 1 commences DORA partner 2 Zombie Crawls 20 yards, sprints the remaining distance to mid-field and back to relieve partner 1. Turns out Zombie Crawls not only take the skin off your elbows but they kill your shoes as well. Replacement pair already in the mail. The temptation here was to modify the Zombie Crawl with a bear crawl, which still made for a very challenging DORA, but little did the PAX know they were kinda robbing peter to pay paul.

With the DORA wrapped up we were on the mosey again. Arranging ourselves along the far side of the parking lot we prepared to climb stairs.

Bearway to Heaven: Bear crawl the width of one parking space and perform 7 Burpos, bear crawl back to start. Bear crawl the width of two parking spaces and perform 6 Burpos, bear crawl back to start. This continues to the width of 7 parking spaces and 1 Burpo. All the while Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven is playing (8:01). All pax finished just as the song was ending. This was a small victory for YHC as Q!

All PAX formed up into four lines for a formation run while Crimson called a military style cadence. This was followed by a formation march with a military style cadence called by Tecumseh.


Smokey shared a reading on the history of Memorial Day encouraging us all to pause to pay respect to our fallen heroes. He also reminded us to remember the families left behind that support the home front.

Announcements- Carpex Crazy Train 6/9- meet at BO @ 0730 and bring $7, Breaking Bread after SNS on 6/20

Napster is Qing Rush Hour tomorrow then moving to CO. If you are available to help him move please touch base with him.

Prayer Request- Please remember the family of Brandon McCauley, 20 yr Navy veteran, as he pasted away this past Feb. This is the first of many challenging holiday’s for his family without him.

Spit Valve provided an amazing moment of reflection playing Taps just before prayer.

2nd F

Huge thanks to Smokey, Crimson and WWW for providing 2nd F to include coffee, fruit, bagels, cream cheese. Old Maid provided some unexpected and much appreciated bacon.

3rd F

Tecumseh passionately shared from the Old Testament as well as some quotes to include Ronald Reagan’s famous Memorial Day address.


I am honored to be a part of an organization like F3 that pays true consideration to our nation’s fallen heroes. I am humbled daily by your lived out examples of leadership.

May God bless you and your family on this Memorial Day

See also