Memorial Day Beatdown: In honor of 1st Lt Roslyn L. Schulte

Memorial Day is a holiday to honor this who served in the Armed Services and have paid the ultimate sacrifice protecting our nation and the nation’s interest worldwide. I also want to honor our first responders who also made the ultimate sacrifice.

On this day we honor 1st Lt Roslyn L. Schulte. Lt Schulte was serving as an Intelligence Liaison whose mission is to teach our Afghan military allies to gather and interpret intelligence data/information. On May 20, 2009, her convoy, while on mission, hit an improvised explosive device which took her life. She was 25.

We started with all the F3 administravia stuff (recited the mission, core values, and mantra). We moseyed to the rock pile for warm-up. Warm-up with GM, Sir Fazio, burpees x10. YHC directed the PAX to choose a rock coupon in between an ego rock and a traveling rock. Mad respect for Kwik Stop because he chose a mountain of a rock.

Here is the thang:

We did a ladder which ultimately spelled out Lt Schulte’s name:

Singlet Merkin x10

Curls x15 IC

Heavy Freddies x20 IC

UHaul x20 IC

Leg Lifts x25

We moseyed back to the flag to finish out the workout with:

Thunder curbees x10

End with have a nice day.

COR: 12 HIMs

NOR: 4 respects, 8 mehs


We had a moment of silence while YHC played Taps.

YHC had all the Vets give a quick spill on what they did in the service.

YHC also had an PAX who had a family member who served tell us about them.

Sasquatch is in July.

F3 Nation 10-year is at F3 Cape F3ar in January 2021.

YHC prayed us out.


Memorial Day is not only to recognize those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. It is also to remember those first responders as well.

Life is a blessing and we should always be thankful to workout in the gloom with our Brothers.

It is always an honor to lead you HIMs in the gloom.

Continue to be safe and healthy during this COVID-19 pandemic.

See also