Meeting minutes for the Board Meeting

Date and time: 29 July 2021, 0600
Roll: Clockwork, Deuce, Intimadator, Open Concept (tardy), Peaches, Rooney, SideOut, Smithers
Office details: Jordan Lake near Bell’s Church, 72 degrees, Humidity 89%, Wind 2.3 mph from SSW
Motion to approve: Last meeting’s minutes were tabled for approval until a subsequent time, because a quorum of returning Pax was not reached.

Old business

Acclimate Pax who were new to paddleboarding as to proper technique for inflating, standing, and paddling with board. For disclaimer, please refer to the F3 Nation website.


YHC called the meeting to order in absence of the Chairman of the board. Initially, Pax paddled at will without direction as YHC had to find his outdoor voice to call attention to the agenda.


  • Arm curl rolls with paddle, IC x10
  • Paddle good mornings, IC x5
  • Overhead paddle extension and twist side-to-side, IC x10
  • Arm swings with paddle, x10 each side
  • Board running. Alas, no Pax fell in, which indicates a lack of enthusiasm in proper execution of this movement.

Swift paddle (80% max effort) to next area.

Swimming DORA

One partner gets off board and swims to a certain place, then back to his board.

Other partner works on:

  • 100 merkins
  • 200 American Hammers, L-R one
  • 300 squats

Swimming techniques observed included free style, breast stroke, back stroke, side stroke, and underwater glide. No records were set.

Floating broga

Low attendance at Dante’s Peak weekly broga EC did not deter YHC from raising the next order of business. Perhaps the Pax just need the extra challenge of balancing on a board to come out for yoga.

Flow 1: Mountain crumbling into sea

  • Mountain pose, standing straight, tuck chin a bit like there’s an orange, chest out wide, on the exhale, squeeze your abs, just about starting from good posture.
  • Single arms overhead, alternating
  • Bend over to touch toes
  • Michael Phelps
  • Move into flat back (hands a bit forward and flat, try to make back like a table), then press down into palms

Flow 2: Lonely wolf upon water greets the rising sun

  • Plank pose, breathe for a few counts
  • Single leg raises, alternating
  • Hover down into low plank hold
  • Then extend into upwards dog (hand and feet make contact and arch up like howling at moon)
  • Child’s pose

Flow 3: Curled up pill bug awaits death by egret

  • Knees to chest and breathe
  • Knees to chest still, rock side to side
  • Extend left leg out, right knee to chest
  • Grab right knee with left arm and pull to left side
  • Extend right leg on the side and hold…sink right shoulder to ground and extend right arm.
  • Right knee to chest, left arm, open and close knee to right side, alternating arms
  • Knees to chest
  • Repeato other side

Agenda concluded with V situp hold for 1 min.

New business

Announcements: WWCM needs more signups. If you haven’t done it before, make sure to get with someone who has for the codes.

Prayers & Praises: That we were able to attend the Board Meeting this morning. For Pax who lent spare boards.

Next board meeting: Likely next Thursday at the same time, place to be determined. Coffeeteria at Cruizers is out due to checkout lines of such length, a traffic director is needed.

Attachments: Photo 1 depicts the sun’s approval of the board minutes.

Meeting adjourned.


Addendum 1: Formal apology to cherished board member SideOut at YHC’s terrible neglect to include him in the initial rollcall.

See also