Mechanic Training at #ao-thurs-tin2iron

Date: 9.30.2021

PAX: Ausfaht, Left Cheek, Zamboni, Bootlegger, YHC/QIC

We did not have a Q so it was up to us to provide for our Brothers. YHC/QIC ask the HIMs to retrieve cinder blocks, KB and weighted rope while I got the tire. We set-up for a tabata crusher. As I was rolling out the tire, Left Cheek asked if we needed a sledge hammer. I replied ecstatically, “ABSOLUTELY!!!”

Before the festivities, we Pledged our Allegiance to Old Glory and did a quick warm up. GM, runners stretch, calf stretch, seal claps, shoulder stretch, and tricep stretch.

Now that we warmed up the right muscle group it was time for the thang.

Thang 1:

5 stations with the tire flip and sledge pulverized as the pacer (flip 5 forward and 5 flips back to start into 10 sledge pulverizers into the tire) then switch. Mosey after each round.

Tire flip (5 out and back) with 10 sledge pulverizers

Weighted Rope work

Man Makers with KB

Cinder Block Swings

Weighted Ab work

Modify as needed to work around a nursed injury.

We did 3 rounds with Classic Rock encouraging us in the background.

Circled up for round of Mary PAX favorite: kick outs, 100s, hello Dolly’s, E2K, and Freddie Mercury’s.

Have a nice day!!!

COR: 5 mechanics

NOR: 3 Honors and 2 mehs

Announcements: Carpex Culture Month is October. Lots of festivities planned.

Oct 2 Pig Pickin’

10 year anniversary at Wilmington

Carpex Odyssey Oct 23.

Prayers and Praises: Prodigal and his family. COVID victims and family members dealing with it.

NMS: It is always an HONOR to lead great men. It is always great to see you out in the gloom.

Have a Blessed Day!!!

See also