#mccantsweek - Day 6 - BLAZE OF GLORY

If you don’t have Bon Jovi playing right this minute.  Stop reading.  Queue it up.  Crank it up.  Crack one.

I woke up this morning and I raised my weary head. I’m a devil on the run. Thrown out of school for bringing a six pack and two guns. Well they tell me I’m wanted, yeah, I’m a wanted.  And when I’m shot down, I’ll be shot down in a MF blaze of glory.

What a week. Six Qs, Three FNGs, three spelling contests, a MURPH, a 40th birthday, a Franklin siting, too many hours in a greenhouse, two naps in the work parking lot, a Texas Hot Tub, uncountable HIMs, a couple of hashtags, a snakebite, a cake, and a 40. Hot damn.

There was only HIM willing to ride the lightning with me.  As I hopped in the beater this morning, my spirits were lifted by Yoga Mat. A sixer of Man Law had been sitting on ice, and I thought about the words I would choose to honor him.  And then those hopes were crushed. Arriving at Bond Park, I learned Yoga Mat had been bit by a MF copperhead and wouldn’t be posting. Anger set in.  An anger that I would unleash on the 24 poor souls that didn’t realize Saturdays were for sleeping in. But I’m still sssssseething. I’m gonna find you snake.  I’m gonna bite off your head and drink your blood and wear your skin like a Hermes head band. Bring it snake. As for you Yoga Mat, I have a lovely five pack of beer for you. Hope you are doing alright.

As for YHC, I’m exhausted.  Six in a row is no small feat.  Trying to herd you cats isn’t either. Throw in a week of celebration (because it’s a celebration, bitches), the normal hey ho of life, Rip Tide, and a deliciously cold 40 oz breakfast, it’s no surprise I see an ice bath and a hammock in my future.  But you know what, I wouldn’t change a thing.  What can I say, YHC is stubborn. It’s been awesome.

After learning you can’t buy beer before 7am, YHC arrived at Bond Park ready to get busy. With the aforementioned absence of Yoga Mat and the resultant anger in tow, we set off to go down in a blaze of glory.

Warmup: Half mile run, Good Morning

THANG: BLAZE OF GLORY (Burpees, LBCs, American Hammers, Zombie Crawl, Elevens, One Legged Burpees, Flutter Kicks, Gorilla Walk, LBCs, One Legged Burpees, Rockees, Yule Walk)

NMS: Hat tip to Pierogi who figured out the spelling in the COT.  No easy feat my friend.  Wonderbread, thanks for the kind words. We’ve come along way from the fraternity house, eh? Pistos, brother. NanTan, Your Excellency, Your Highness, thanks for the partner merkins.  Franklin!  You exist!  And your hair is fabulous. ON YOUR LEFT. Yoga Mat, sorry you missed it brother.  Let’s set up another one. Burt, thanks for the 40 of BL quenched my thirst this morning.  To FIA, we raise our beers to you. To all of you who came out this week for #McCantsweek, hope you had a good time; YHC certainly did.  To Speed Racer, ON YOUR LEFT, and Ghost Rider, welcome to the club.  To GroupMe, the Tourettes of F3, keep up the good work.  To the men of F3, thank you for making me a better man.  For being a shoulder to lean on. For being the strong ground on which I stand.  #shouldersofgiants.

YHC out.

See also