#mccantsweek Day 5 - DANGER ZONE (and cake)

Having survived BO - and it was close - YHC set his sites on glorious North Cary for day 5 of #mccantsweek.  Because of his enormous ego, YHC thought the fact his workout spelled DANGER ZONE would be the best part of the day.  It didn’t take long for McCants to be put in his place. For one, Speed Racer, named on Tuesday at FMJ, came back out, despite the fact YHC dropped a Murph on his for his first post.  Aye Speed Racer!! Two, Flip Flop pulled out all the stops.  Banners, homemade yard signs, cake, candles, and even getting the PAX to sing happy birthday.  That guy is all class, men.  To be fair, you all are.  When I start my prayers by thanking the good Lord for each of you, I mean it.  I’m blessed to be in your company, to get to lead you from time to time, to lean on you more than you will ever know.  Thank you.  And three, two of our F3 Raleigh brothers came down, both of which are excellent lawyers at Wyrick Robbins: Prenup (Wes Gelb) and Life Alert (Lee Whitman).  Life Alert started the crazy train that is McCants, as over four years ago he coaxed me into coming to Urban Jungle for my first post, which also happened to be the week that Rashad McCants accused Ole Roy of knowing he wasn’t going to class.

One more person deserves mention, and that’s Burt. For all the craziness and energy and mumble chatter and cyst warnings and did I mention craziness that is Burt, that is one helluva HIM.  I don’t say that just because it’s 8:42 am Saturday morning and I’m buzzing off the 40 ounces of Bud Light I just drank in a senior center parking lot like I was tailgating for a Bingo game, I say it because he was the one that bought me the 40 ounces of Bud Light that I just drank in a senior center parking lot like I was tailgating for a Bingo game.  Notably, the temptation was strong to put back that big boy Friday morning when Burt arrived with it - which would have made it the second straight morning I ended a workout with drinking a beer provided by Burt - but YHC had a Q to complete, and completing two Qs in a row while intoxicated probably would have been a bad idea.  Had I done that, I probably would have been snakebit and you’d be pouring out a portion of said 40 for me. Unfortunately, that honor was reserved for someone else.

And so with the ‘HBD McCants’ yard sign securely in the ground, accompanied by a 40 of BL, a 17 yo FNG in tow,  and an untold number of PAX including a Q with a sprained ankle, it was time for the fifth installment of #McCantsweek.

Warmup: around the pickle, another day of backwards run, bear crawls and crawl bears.

THANG: DANGER ZONE (Deconstructed burpees, American hammers, Never Cross Dolly, Gorilla Walk, Elevens, Russian Dips, Zombie Crawl, One Legged Burpees, Nipplers, Elevens)

NMS: Welcome FNG Ghost Rider.  Thanks everyone for singing happy birthday. Flip Flop thought of everything but the hair gel.  Yoga Mat, you are only one workout away from a six pack!