#mccantsweek DAY 1 - Your typical A-Team beatdown

To the Nantan:

NOW COMES McCants, your YHC, and respectfully moves Your Honor for approval of this first installment of #mccantsweek. In support of this motion, YHC shows unto the Nantan the following:

  1. 21 PAX and Hot Spot appeared at Apex Community Park for Day 1 said #mccantsweek.
  2. Each of the PAX knew, or exercising reasonable care and diligence should have known, to expect a McCants-style beatdown.
  3. In honor of this great country, YHC arrived at 0545 after running in with the FMJ shovel flag adorned with Old Glory, which YHC continued to carry through the workout.
  4. YHC led the PAX through a brief warmup consisting of various stretches and rhythmic exercises meant to increase heart rate and blood flow, and in honor of Your Honor, merkins.
  5. YHC then dropped the following THANG on the PAX:
    1. Dora 1-2-3 consisting of Superman Pulses, Rock Rows, and Curls
    2. Gorilla Walk down the court, Bear Crawl back while your partner BTTW, plus a repeat
    3. Sprints down the long parking lot, jog back, while your partner Freddie Mercuried
    4. Catch Me If You Can with 10 superman pulses
    5. Mary
  6. After the THANG, announcements were made, followed by an opportunity for the PAX to raise prayers and praises.
  7. YHC, feeling it incumbent on the Q to lead the PAX from start to finish, collected the PAX into a BOM and led said PAX in prayer, raising up Hot Spot’s running partner Sarah, who lost her fight with breast cancer, and Goose and his son Cameron.
  8. As YHC is aware of the importance of NMS to Your Honor, he makes the Nantan aware of the following:
    1. Significant mumble chatter was heard regarding the general fear of the remainder of #mccantsweek.
    2. Slack is to Groupme what a field of sunflowers is to a field of sunflowers with a stripper pole.
    3. YHC is energized by the collective enthusiasm for the group’s willingness to face pain and suffering.
    4. Hello Kitty had to depart mid-workout to avoid a brown out, but returned refreshed and ready.

WHEREFORE, YHC respectfully requests the Nantan accept this report in its entirety, without amendment.

Respectfully submitted, this the 16th day of July, 2018.

/s/ McCants