McCants Tribute

YHC told the PAX last night that today’s workout would be a tribute to our brother McCants, who is down in Wilmington recovering from a fall this weekend. Some thought that meant a Murph, but no, it just meant we were all going to give it 110%.


Mosey over to the front of the school and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers and cotton pickers.

The Thang

Mosey down to the track and notice the six strategically placed pairs of cones, stretching from one end of the track to the other, with exactly twenty yards between pairs. We’re doing the Beast. Six reps of an exercise, run to the the next pair of cones, six reps, continue until we reach the other end of the track. First round was burpees, followed by merkins, prisoner squats, American hammers, nipplers, finishing with another round of burpees.

Mosey back to the hill next to the flag for sevens, worst merkins ever on one side, double pump monkey jumpers on the other.


10 burpees OYO


Count-a-rama:  19 Name-a-rama:  5 RESPECTs, 12 meh, 2 HATEs Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for our brother McCants, prayers for Pickles’s niece Christy, prayers for Ma Bell’s mother BOM:  YHC took us out


Welcome FNG Prestone, visiting with his cousin Tubeless.

I learned some new tricks from Ma Bell and Banjo at Thin Blue Line last weekend. The world’s worst merkin is a wide grip merkin, followed by a standard merkin, followed by a diamond merkin. The double pump monkey jumper is two monkey humpers followed by a jump. Both are even worse than they sound.

YHC was not planning to finish with burpees, but Squatter forced my hand by taking a short cut to the flag. This is F3, we don’t take short cuts.

Crimson tried to get even more burpees by clapping, alas we were out of time. Another day, Crimson.

We missed you out there this morning McCants, and we’re praying for you and a quick recovery.

See also