May the Murph Be With You

The second week of Bounty Hunters kicked off with 19 strong, including 1 FNG.  As Water Wings fumbled his way through Open Out’s half made flag YHC fumbled through the disclaimer.

0545 and some change and we were off to the American flag for the warmup.  Before warming up we took in a moment of silence to reflect/pray for our government, military, and freedoms to kick off National Prayer Day.  This was then followed up by the Pledge of Allegiance.  sidenote: Did ya’ll do the pledge when you were in school?  Everyday for us followed by the singing of “America (My Country Tis of Thee)”.  Out of habit I almost jumped right into song this morning!

Warm Up -  Imperial Walkers (I called em Storm Troopers just to over emphasize “May the Fourth be with you”…) -  SSH -  Merkins!  Doin em for Ma Bell, happy f3niversary -  Good Mornings (Because Nature Boy was sad we didn’t do them yet)

The Thang

Set 1:  The Mini Murph

Since The Murph is coming up and I found a pull up bar(!!!)(1. single. pull up bar.) I thought it’d be a good appetizer for what’s to come at the end of the month.

  • 0.5 mile run to Baucom Elementary
  • 5 Pull Ups, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats, 1/4 Run  X 4
  • 0.5 mile run back to Bounty Hunters’ turf field

Set 2:  You can do anything for 18 yards.

We got a good 2 miles of running in now so let’s shorten it up and work on some speed/agility.

First, partner up.  This is going to be your encouragement partner.  While you’re bustin your hump he’s there to cheer you on and support you and then that flapjacks along with the exercise.  I don’t remember them all or the order but lots of bursts of awesomeness…went something like this:

  • Bear Crawl
  • Bear Crawl
  • Sprint down and back
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Hand release merkin to side plank leg/arm up x 10
  • Bear Crawl
  • Bear Crawl
  • Sprint down and back
  • Australian Pushups AMRAP
  • Partner Carry
  • Sprint down and back

Something like that…

COT -  FNG’s name is Wonderland.  YHC then proceeded to tell him his body was.  And it got awkward.  And then Matlock added something about sexual napalm.  Welp.  We won’t see Wonderland back…… -  Poker night tonight at Nature Boys  9:00PM - 12:00AM (he’s not posting tomorrow…) -  May 6 Picnic  2:30PM -  May 6 Convergence  7:00AM-8:00AM -  Prayers for Blue’s coworker, Highlighter’s dad, Term’s niece, Shut-In’s uncle, and all unspoken! MAN the weather was perfect this morning!  I didn’t want to leave.  I wanted to stay out there!  These new BH workouts really make it feel like Friday for me.  Not sure if that’s a good thing or not!?


I have some awards to give out today.  Some superlatives…

  • Best Dressed:  Co-Winners Highlighter and Shut-In Highlighter has totally embraced his name.  I haven’t seen him not wear something neon every single workout.  #signaturemove.  YHC dressed as Ma Bell today to avoid any potential Q shopping and to pay homage to his 3 years.  My doorag was on fleek.
  • Most Entertaining:  Nature Boy I know what you’re thinking, he should have been best dressed.  But the guy was on fire today trying to ask questions, not get answers or not hearing answers because he was already moving on to something else.  But the topper was, and I could be wrong, it sounded like he kept saying he was going to “funsack” tomorrow, not “fartsack”.  Kinda like “thunderclaps”…  But his chatter was great today.
  • Most Clean Shaven:  Aristocrat Ma Bell could have been in the running but because he wasn’t there this goes to Aristocrat!  New job, new car, and new face.  New boss don’t want that milk mustache mess, keepin it clean!  Awesome job getting after it today, too.  No matter the mileage!
  • Most Quick Witted Comment:  Wilber Classic case of YHC thinking people can read his mind.  He calls out for “Wilber give us a count” (to give us a count b/c we were all gassed) and Wilber snaps right back, “to what!?”.  Maybe you had to be there, maybe it’s just because it was Wilber firing back with some chatter, but it was great.  NOW COUNT TO TEN!!!
  • Best Hair:  Khakis  Could Franklin’s run be over!?!?!  No hat for Khakis had us all gawking at his long auburn locks.  As we ran it was flopping even more than Franklin’s on a good day.  During bear crawls he lost about 60% of his vision.  In a few months there’s going to be a new man bun in town.  Oofta, I hope there’s room on the bandwagon!
  • Most Hustle / MVP Award:  Co-Winners Crimson and Sooey These guys were on their game today!  Huge improvements from both.  Crimson called me out on GroupMe so I brought it but he was up to the task.  I never saw these guys with any quit in them and even when the workout was over and we were sluggish to get to COT these guys had a footrace all out sprint to get in one last push. Triple Thunder Claps

Everyone else, ya’ll were awesome too, I’m just out of trophies (and really need to get back to work!!!)

I can’t put in to words how fun it is to get out on days like today and lead you guys. I freakin’ love it.  <– That’s how good with words I am.

Shutty, out.

See also