May the 40s Be With You

To be honest the last thing I wanted to do today was get-up and workout. It was 28 degrees and I hate the cold. I have seen a lot of HIMs Q for their birthday so I jumped on the opportunity. 

I enjoy workouts that keep your heart rate up and build muscle and that was today’s goal. Exhaust the muscles to build the muscle. 

5:30 hard start. No FNGs. First item on deck was the Pledge of Allegiance then onto a quick warm-up. 

Circle up for Sir Fazios, Dirty Dogs, and Kickbacks with hip rotation.

The Thang
Grab a cinderblock and a kettlebell. 40 minute GET SWOL EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) for my 40th Birthday. 

5 rounds of 8 exercises - 40 Merkins, 40 Chest Press, 40 Bent Over Rows, 10 Burpees, 40 Curls for the Girls, 40 LBCs, 40 Overhead Shoulder Press (20 each arm), and 40 squats. 

Went over 1 minute - sorry not sorry.

No time - that is why the Thang had LBCs. 

Count-a-rama: 13
Name-a-rama:  1 HONOR, 2 RESPECT, 6 meh, 4 HATE


  • We had a brief interruption from my GF that surprised us with doughnuts and coffee with a side of Bailey’s (and a bourbon and coke for YHC). 
  • Freed to Bleed in 2 weeks - give that blood HIMs
  • Duck Doughnut Dash - sign-up (still)
  • Cape Fear Convergence is this weekend. 

Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Burt & Becky, Largemouth, Crimson’s MIL, and all of those dealing with Covid. YHC praised all the HIMs pushing me to get out in the gloom.
BOM:  YHC took us out

This past week I have been doing a lot of soul searching and thoughts on what the past 40 years looked like and what I want to accomplish in the next 40 years around the sun. This is the first January in 4 years that I am not in bed with back pain going into another surgery. So in-short, I know that I need to take this day and all my days as blessings that I am able to move today. I wanted to share this quote this a.m. but I forgot so I will share it here:

“You must unlearn what you have learned.” - Yoda

This is a theme that I want to move forward with in life. Getting complacent does not allow for growth. We as male community leaders must remove preconceived notions to grow. What we “may know to be true” may not be. Just like Luke, we need to believe in our abilities and gifts to be able to achieve things that we may never think possible and lift that X-Wing in our lives. 

I am blessed to be given 40 years on this Earth and I am blessed to have met many of you HIMs.

See also