Maximum Vanilla – Dora 2-3-4 & 5 rounds with the Russian Bear (Ivan Koloff)

Date: 2/2/2019


AO: Phoenix

PAX: Callahan, FNG Carvana, Clementine, Freebird, O’Douls, One-Four, PBX, Pigeon, Quiver, Smokey, Snots, The Commish, Triple Lindy, Wreck-it-Ralph (visiting from F3 Summerville),WWW, Yogi.

The weather and temperature was beautiful!  A great day to Q; however, when is it not a great day to Q in F3.  FYI – my resolution for this year is to Q atleast once a week and to Q every day during my birthday week to include Rush Hour.  I also am pushing more to incorporate more stretching at the start and end of the workout.  Today is KKC challenge day so I was not sure how many would show.  We had a total of 15 with 1 FNG.  He was EH’d by Wreck-it-Ralph from F3 Summerville who was visiting us.  They were also late as they arrived at the warm-up.

We moseyed over to the community center parking lot to warm-up.  As we were getting stretched out, Wreck-it-Ralph and his EH FNG come strolling in.  Yes, we did reward burpees x10 and reminded them our start time is 0630 hrs.


GM, hamstring stretch (feet together, right over left and left over right), calf stretch (feet together, left over right and right over left), control freak merkins x10, 10 reward burpees for Wreck-it-Ralph and EH FNG being late, sir fazio (forward), seal claps, overhead claps, SF backwards.

Walk over to the rock pile.  Partner up. Partner 1 picks a none traveling rock. QIC calls Dora 2-3-4.

Thang 1:

Dora 2-3-4: Partner 1 starts the Carolina Dry Docks x200, Rock curls for gurls x300, LBC x400 while partner 2 runs to the road and back (walkers walk half way and back to keep everyone close).

As I was doing the thang, I was keeping my eyes on the clock.  It consumed 30 mins of the workout (WOW).  As we were moseying to thang 2 which was supposed to be to the kiosk and my original plan, I had to modify for the sake of time.  I changed my direction to head to the entrance of Bond Park to do thang 2..

Thang 2:

5 rounds with the Russian Bear - Ivan Koloff (you’ll know why later in the NMS why I chose this name). At each light pole, Wolverine Burpees x5 and air squats x10 until we get to the end of the road.

Once completed, QIC calls to mosey back to the flag and circle up for thang 3 Mary around the circle with the infamous deck-of-pain.

Thang 3 Mary:

Deck-of-pain PAX choice around the circle. As we were going through Mary with the deck-of-pain, the PAX started to realize that the deck was stacked.  On exercise #13 (Yogi’s turn), he picks up the deck and reveals to the PAX that the rest of the cards were only 9 through King and Ace. Yes the Ace was 14.  In true fashion, we stuck to the format (you guys are HIMs).

QIC ended with 100’s and Have a nice day

Count-a-rama: 16

Name-a-rama: 3 respects, 12 mehs, 1 FNG.

**Announcements:**Mobility Exercises/Mobility Workshop @ Apex Jaycee Park Boy Scout building that starts at 3 pm, Souly Business meeting at Quaker Lake Camp in Asheboro (deets in Slack or DM Pigeon), new AO Hares (distance running) starts on Monday 2/4/2019 @ 0500 hrs at Sovereign Grace Church (home of Tortoises) – Site Q is Yogi, Rolling Stone is now a permanent rucking AO on Friday at Davis Drive Elementary (home of Gran Torino), Soul Train last Saturday in March (deets to come out in Slack).

**Prayers / Praises:**Quiver’s co-worker (Scott Durso who lost his life in an accident - keep his family in your prayers); prayers for the construction worker who lost his life when a retaining wall collapsed on him & prayers for 2 others who was injured in the same incident; Ausfahrt’s health and recovery; Yogi’s son (Dominick) for guidance and protection; and Swag’s wife’s upcoming surgery.

**BOM:**YHC took us out.


T-claps to Snots for doing a solo EC run before Phoenix.

Professional WWE wrestler Ivan Koloff “Russian Bear” was used because FNG Carvana’s was married by him.  Pretty cool!!!  Welcome FNG Carvana (Wreck-it-Ralph’s EH PAX)

**F3 Mission:**Plant, grow and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

F3 Core Principles:

  1. Free of charge

  2. Open to all men

  3. Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold

  4. Led by the men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary.

  5. End with a Circle of Trust

**F3 Credo:**Leave no man behind but never leave him where you found him.

It was a great honor to lead you this morning in the gloom.  You all are true HIMs!!!

See also