Mary in the Middle

QIC: Flenderson

Hot For Teacher 10/29/30

PAX: 16 Steves Hamm Red Ryder Tang Henny PennySour Mash Wahoo Yahoo Chicken Little Queequeg OxTail Smithers TrackStar Lucky Charms short circuit

Mosey to Kelly Rd Park

Warm Up:
F Arm Circles

R Arm Circles

Good Mornings

Abe Bagota

Willie Mays Hays

Move to playground circle

Thing 1:  Donte’s Inferno 7 circles around the playground

do 5 merkins run halfway, do 5 squats, finish the circle 
Mosey to courts

Thing 2: All the Mary

Pax Choice mary with 2 laps after every 3 sets.
13 total called:

Hello Dolly

Dying cockroach 

Apllo Burpees

Superman Bananas(pax hold superman and roll to dying cockroach on call)



Jump squats (on ba down ba down)


Oblique crunches

Power plank(on jack)

Mosey back to the Shovel Flag

Have a nice day.

Instead of leading us out in pray YHC felt called to speak on mental health battles. Too often men are taught to keep their struggles to themselves. The Truth is ok not to be ok especially in these tough times. YHC has been in the trenches with this before and happy to listen to anyone who needs an ear. Please lean on your brothers should you need, No On Your Own!


-YHC typically forgets to say recover after warm-ups causing pax to joke, to remedy this YHC called a string of warm-ups that did not require a recover.

-YHC started his strava shortly after the 2-minute warning and forgot about that so the workout ended at a very south wake 43 minutes, I apologize for the shortage RR.