March Madness

Apparently it’s March already.  February, you always cheat me out of 2-3 days.  So time to get those NCAA pools going.  But before that starts, let’s celebrate in the rainy gloom at Hunter Street Park.  PERFECT weather.

Warm Up

JigglyPuff posts the flag, and we start with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Mosey to a suitable parking lot for some warm up.  Along the way we get in some butt-kickers, high knees, and side shuffles.  Then circle up for:

  • SSH x 20
  • Cotton pickers x 10
  • Hill Billies x 10
  • Sir Fazio arm circle things x 10 and reverso

Thang 1

Mosey to a parking lot that is familiar to YHC, but apparently GTL & Parker have never been there.  Since the site Qs have been introduced, it may be a future destination.  Good mumblechatter along the way.

Partner up, we do 10 Bropees and then partners go opposite directions, up and down the steps on each side of the adjacent building.  Meet at the bottom for…9 Bropees.  Repeat down to 1.  We’re pretty wet at this point.

Once completed, mosey back to the skate park for…

Thang 2

Upon return to the park, we are met by FNG Skeeter.  More on that later.  Keep your partner, and it’s time to meet Dora’s crazy pissed off cousin.  Wall-crawl 1-2-3s, using the skate park wall to shimmy across.  We change directions mid-stream just so we don’t end up only being able to go left.  Partner 1 does the wall crawl while Partner 2 works on 100 Peter Parkers, 200 Monkey Humpers and 300 Overhead claps.  But with a twist.  At the partner flip flop, you complete 5 partner-clap Merkins each time.  Did I say each time? This totally sucked, which means YHC will call it again in the future.  We do run out of time, so time for some quick…


PAX choice:

  • JigglyPuff calls Freddy Mercs - lots of mumble chatter about this one.  Time to change shirts
  • Nerf calls WWIIs
  • Disco Duck calls Dying Cock-a-roaches


  • Announcements: The Mule
  • Count-a-rama: 7
  • Name-a-rama: 2 hates, 5 mehs.  Welcome FNG Skeeter
  • Prayer requests: Disco Duck’s M continued recovery, the family of the Green Hope student who took his own life, Earhart’s M recovery from surgery.  All those who we come in contact with who are hurting.


When we met Skeeter at the skate park at about the halfway point, he explained that he’d been HC’d by one of the SW guys who said he’d meet him here.  Well, two important lessons were learned.  F3 Carpex doesn’t cancel.  Rain, sleet, snow, we still go.  We were glad to introduce him to Dora’s cousin today.  Second, while we always pick up the six, we also start on time.

GTL commented that this wasn’t nearly as bad as the downpour at FMJ a few weeks ago.  I wasn’t TOO wet, until JigglyPuff called the Freddy Mercs.  It was a pleasure to lead you, remember to be the light to someone today.

See also